Syria: Imperial Impunity and Media Terrorism

The offensive in the dirty war against Syria has intensified in recent days, after Russia and China vetoed, for the third time, direct invasion by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which leads terrorist activities of mercenaries and special forces from the U.S. Britain, Israel, France and others, such as Saudi monarchs and Qatar.

On July 23, the offensive tried to isolate the Syrian government once more, by cutting transmissions to the Syrian News Agency (Sana) with high-tech devices that can only be manipulated by the powerful attackers. The world remains silent.

On the morning of Wednesday July 18, a terrible explosion rocked Damascus, destroying security headquarters and causing the deaths of the Defense Minister, General Daud Rajha, the Deputy Minister General Assef Chawkat and General Hassan Turkmani, adjunct to the vice president of the Republic, among other victims.

The terrorist attack, led by U.S. and European special forces, was meant to create an uncontrollable situation for President Bashar al-Assad, whose resignation Washington calls for, as if we were in Roman times.

The leader’s reaction, to immediately appoint successors to the officers who were killed amidst widespread mourning, intensified Washington’s rage, whose answer, as well as that of its allies, was to accuse the victims of being responsible for the events by not obeying direct orders from the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that al-Assad should resign and return the country to a “transitional council” – in other words, a colonial administration.

The media’s propaganda proclaims, “Government Violence Continues in Syria,” or “Attack in Syria, the Government does not Stop the Violence” or “Al-Assad Should Resign.” The perversity of the information used as a weapon for dirty psychological warfare has no limits.

The victims become the guilty, the mercenaries are called “rebels” and according to the media, including many which are “progressive”, this is a civil war and not an open and blatant invasion by Syria’s neighboring countries.

One of the best and bravest analysts on this subject, Thierry Meyssand from the Voltaire Network, has compared these mercenaries to the Nicaraguan “contras” who operated from Honduras in the 80’s under the command of the CIA in order to carry out terrorist actions in Nicaragua, committing heinous murders in the border towns.

Former President Ronald Reagan called them “freedom fighters.” Now these mercenaries are treated as the Free Syrian Army (SLA) “liberators,” whose attacks the Syrian government and its people heroically resist.

The government of a sovereign independent country should step down because the leaders of a world dictatorship and its allies say so.

The Syrian army should lay down their arms and not defend their country as it is attacked by waves of criminals, led, armed and financed by the powers involved in the new colonial expansion process of an empire in decline.

The analyst Ghaleb Kandil (New Orient News) warned in the first half of July that the escalation against Syria by the warmongering U.S. was increasingly taking shape.

“Clearly, the proxy war strategy devised by the CIA director, General David Petraeus, who oversees the mobilization of the necessary financial, material, military and intelligence resources, is based on a long-term war of attrition, developed by armed gangs.”

In this respect, American research centers have found an obstacle in the inability to solidly unify opposition groups, despite a series of meetings convened by the CIA in various countries, including Egypt. As Kandil noted, “Among the hodgepodge Western (powers), Turkey and Qatar are committed to the Muslim Brotherhood. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia supports, finances, clothes and guides Takfiri and Salafi groups, along with various ‘personalities’ of the opposition that have been supported for years, with Abdel Halim Khaddam and Rifaat al-Assad at the head.”

Even the Institute for the Study of War, a think tank that works for the CIA and the U.S. Joint Chiefs, carried out a census of gangs and armed groups operating in Syria.

“The findings of that study published on the think tank’s website show clearly that the U.S. is committed to developing the structures of these bands and that it is acting to ensure that there is a constant flow of money and weapons.

“A direct relationship has been established between the leaders of these groups by setting up a command for post operations and planning, which is under the direction of CIA officials and other intelligence agencies of the United States or from NATO countries located in Turkey,” says Kandil. The other tragedy is that the plan is using Lebanese territory against Syria.

Senator John McCain called for the creation of a buffer zone for the Free Syrian Army, after a meeting with the head of the Lebanese Forces.

“The militias of the ‘Future Current’ and Lebanese Salafist groups have not waited long to give a sign of obedience. Since July 5, not taking into consideration Akkar the region of the state authority, there has been masked and heavily armed individuals blocking roads, isolating villages and recording the inhabitants and passengers of vehicles, all of this without being asked to account for what they do to anybody.”*

And while this is happening in Syria and surrounding areas, in Washington the future constitution for “the transitional government” of this country is being written, the design of which also includes the outlines of foundations and institutions favoring American power.

On July 23, Tony Cartalucci from Activist Post (published and translated by Rebellion), warned that the U.S. State Department, working through the United States Institute of Peace, is cooperating directly with Syrian “opposition” groups to organize a government, “ready to overcome any covert military operations of NATO” in order to achieve state collapse.

He also cites “the report by Foreign Policy magazine entitled, ‘Inside the Quiet Effort to Plan for a Post-Assad Syria,’ which states that the State Department funded plans for the USIP in order to get a report out quickly with details of a government planned by the U.S.”*

Cartalucci adds that the USIP has published details on “how it designed, created and continues to monitor and promote the clientelistic regime established by NATO in Libya,” which is actually a colonial administration.

It is this U.S. Institute (supposedly) for Peace that “advises” the current “Libyan government” (colonial administration) supported by the West, which is involved in “the drafting of a Constitution of transitional Justice, the Rights of Women and Education.”

An organization created and funded by the United States will also draft the Syrian “constitution,” a text that is now called “the transition strategy document.”

Cartalucci’s analysis says that the U.S. is trying to soften the implications of this government by creating a “client regime” occupying the void of its mercenaries, who are also in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

But in reality, although Foreign Policy magazine infers that the apparent absence of Obama’s government officials at these meetings has been deliberate, everyone knows that the USIP has representatives from the Department of State on its board, such as Michael Posner, who is joined by James Miller from the Department of Defense.

Also on the board is the president of Amnesty International, and politicians “from Fortune 500 companies who fund think tanks such as the Hoover Institution and the Belfer Center** oil giant,” says the specialist.*

This shows how Amnesty International has played in favor of the colonial war for the occupation of Syria, the tentacles of which are intended to quickly spread to Lebanon where they already have a foothold, and especially to Iran, if the world continues in this terrifying, complicit silence.

False Opposition

The first “opposition” organization formed against the reforms initiated in Syria by President Bashar al-Assad was the Syrian National Council in the Turkish city of Istanbul on Oct. 2, 2011, under the auspices of Turkey and the European Union, where previously this monstrosity had been agreed upon.

In the very act of its foundation, America’s position was established by declaring that the aim would be to overthrow Assad’s government through a “peaceful revolution.” Ironically the National Syrian Council established a military arm through the Syrian Free Army (SLA), under which paramilitary groups were pooled and mercenaries began operations against civilians, the army and police, all under the mandate of the special forces and intelligence of America and its allies. The countries bordering Syria suddenly transformed into a rearguard of these terrorist groups.

The NSC also announced the preparation of a “transitional government” in which there could be no representation of any political groups that have joined or supported the governments of the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party (Ba’ath) as “Nasseists,” such as nationalists, socialists and communists.

The NSC recruited Syrian groups in Washington, London and Paris, in the same way the Libyan Transitional Council was created in February 2011, with Libyan groups abroad linked to “Western” intelligence powers. When the NSC was created, the United States and its allies sought the support of the world as if there were real internal opposition, and organized meetings among the “Friends of Syria,” where part of the truth was unmasked.

In these meetings the delegates publicly voted for more financial aid to “pay the salaries” of ELS (rebel employees?); the voice of the boss, Hillary Clinton, also made it clear that there would be no negotiations without the delivery of the Syrian government to this spurious NSC, as we shall see.

When the United Nations sent Kofi Annan to Syria and reached an agreement with al-Assad in April 2012, a truce was accepted, but the terrorist attacks did not cease.

It is worth remembering what was said on Apr. 12, 2012 by the U.S. ambassador, Susan Rice, to the UN, who – taking Kofi Annan’s report out of context – said that he “confirmed that what happened today is not a complete fulfillment from the Syrian government, since Syrian forces and weapons are still in and around Syrian population centers, and warned that these forces should withdraw to their barracks immediately.”* He should have added: “and let the free territory to the invaders.”

Who would ask an army that is carrying out the duty to defend its country from such aggression to be withdrawn from its territory? Each truce that Syria has complied with has resulted in increasingly violent attacks from its aggressors, the U.S. and its allies, who have not recognized the effort that the plebiscite has made to reform the constitution with the support of the real opposition in February 2012, when it won with 80 percent in favor, nor the legislative elections of May 7 of this year where the real internal opposition participated for the first time. This was rejected and ignored.

While the Syrian government made these important steps, the invasion leaders’ order to the mercenary forces was to intensify the attacks, as happened in March, with massacres and bombings in the capital that left hundreds of casualties.

These terrorist groups act with the logistics of NATO countries’ special forces, and have missiles, high-tech weapons, sensors, guns, First World communications and a rearguard protected by the dominant power and its helpful allies.

Peace requires the good will of all parties, however the foreign opposition, organized by the SNC, insists on demanding military intervention with the UN’s military support, as happened in Libya in March 2011.

Since the beginning of the conflict the goal of the SNC has been “foreign intervention,” Skelton recalled.

When William Hague, the British Foreign Secretary, opened the meeting of “Friends of Syria” held in Tunis on Feb. 24, 2012, he announced the recognition of the SNC as “the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.”

Before that meeting, Hague threatened Russia and China, warning that it was very important for “Moscow and Beijing to reevaluate its position” and that Syria will continue to slide “into more chaos and bloodshed.”* He knew what he was saying, because his government, the U.S. and its allies would give the order to greatly increase terrorist actions against Syria.

False Opposition Spokespeople

While the true democratic opposition in Syria is inside Syria, not paying mercenaries to attack its people and rejecting any foreign intervention, the world does not knows that the Syrian National Council does not represent the people of this country at all. When the media quotes the “Syrian opposition spokesmen” they do not identify who represents the SNC, as journalist Charlie Skelton (The Guardian) highlights in his article “Syrian Opposition.” He underlines the fact that the media does not register who these “opposition sources” that they mention really are, and that the Washington Times described as an “umbrella group with rival bases outside Syria.”

Regarding the best-known spokespeople from the SNC, Skelton makes reference to the oldest in his detailed research: Bassma Kodmani, a “Syrian academic living in Paris with a long history of research on the U.S. and European Foundations, linked to security and intelligence.”

Agreeing with Hillary Clinton, the “opposition” spokeswoman Kodmani has said that “no dialogue with the present regime is possible. We can only discuss how to switch to a different political system.” She also stated to the French agency AFP, quoted by Skelton, that, “The next step needs to be a resolution (from the UN) under Chapter VII, which allows the use of all legitimate means, coercion, arms embargo and the use of force to compel the regime to go.”

No media reported that Kodmani worked in Cairo, Egypt in 2005 for the Ford Foundation, and that when in that year former President George W. Bush withdrew his ambassador from Damascus, she was appointed Executive Director of the Arab Reform Initiative, “a research program formed by the powerful U.S. lobby Council on Foreign Relations,” as quoted by the Washington Post, and as described in Skelton’s investigation.

The CFR that Kodmani works for is a think tank that describes Arab reform on its website as its own project, coming out of the so-called U.S.- Middle East projects, “which bring together former diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers to discuss policies in order to prevent conflicts and promote stability.”

It is under the leadership of retired General Brent Scowcroft, former National Security Adviser, who works together with Zbigniew Brzezinski, who succeeded him in that position, and Peter Sutherland, the head of Goldman Sachs International.

Since 2008, Kodmani has been invited to the powerful secret meetings of the Bilderberg Group, which brings together the cream of economic powers and decides – like Roman emperors – the wars, interventions, and transitions “necessary” for their interests and for exerting a world dictatorship without equal.

It is difficult to imagine the “rebel” Kodmani fighting in Syria against the “dictator” Bashar al-Assad. The main spokesperson of the SNC was chosen not by the Syrian people or by an organization in Syria, but by bankers and intelligence advisers who put her in charge of the project in the Middle East.

Incidentally, she also worked for the International Diplomatic Academy, directed by Jean Claude Cousseran, a former director of the DGSE foreign intelligence service of France.

If this is all still unclear, one of the most important financiers of the Council of Foreign Relations is George Soros, the man from the “Open Society Foundations” whose role in the plans against so-called Third World countries is key to destabilization, shock and interventions.

Another spokesperson for the SNC is Director of International Relations, Radwan Ziadeh, senior fellow at the U.S. Institute for Peace in Washington, whose president is Richard Solomon, a former adviser to Henry Kissinger on the National Security Council, writes Skelton. He adds that last February, Ziadeh met with a group of elite in Washington to sign a letter calling on Obama to intervene in Syria. Signatories include James Woolsey (former CIA Director), Karl Rove (Bush Jr’s trainer), Clifford May and Elizabeth Cheney, former head of the Pentagon’s Operations group in Iran and Syria.

According to research, Ziadeh maintains close ties with some of the most powerful Washington think tanks with connections in London, where he was invited by Chatham House in 2009, and in June 2011 attended the panel meeting, “Imagining Syria’s Political Future,” with two other spokespeople of the “opposition”: the Syrian National Congress’ Ausuma Monajed and Najib Ghadbian.

This latter was cited by the Wall Street Journal as “an early intermediary between the U.S. and Syrian opposition in exile and was the one who made the first contact between the White House and the NSF (National Salvation Front).”

Ghadbian was also part of the advisory group’s Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies based in Washington, an organization co-founded by Ziadeh.

Meanwhile, Monajed was a close friend of the Department of State in 2008 in his capacity as “public relations director of the Movement for Justice and Development,” who led the struggle for a supposedly peaceful and democratic change in Syria.

In 2011 the Washington Post culled a series of diplomatic cables from Wikileaks, showing the transfer of a large sum of money from the State Department, about $6 million, to the MJD “to operate a satellite channel and fund other activities in Syria,” referring to Barada TV, run by Monajed and a London-based network to act against the Syrian government. The transfer had been going on since 2006. Monajed is often interviewed on Al Jazeera, and his job is to blame the Syrian government for all the massacres actually committed by mercenaries, including many by al-Qaida, who attack populations as a way of terrorizing them and wearing them down.

According to this research, 2005 was a key year, and shows that the directors of the SNC have been working on foundations and organizations for the intelligence and security of the United States and its allies for a while now. Many more names have emerged from several European researchers, but for reasons of space only key cases and important witnesses were mentioned.

These investigations show the brutal forms of interference by these foundations and NGO networks, as well as the criminality of the mass media, by putting together the basic structure for these present colonial wars. The silence and lying about the true events in Syria is as criminal as war itself; a new genocide will be on the slumbering conscience of humanity if we do not stop the imperial terrorism that threatens the world.

*Editor’s note: the original quotation, accurately translated, could not be verified.

**Editor’s note: The Belfer Center is not an oil company but a research center for science and international affairs, based at the JFK School of Government at Harvard University

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