Cuba Denounces Illegal Activities of US Interests Section

Cuba denounced the U.S. Interests Section in Havana for serving as the headquarters for the political subversion of the federal government in Washington against the Caribbean nation.

In its efforts to provide leadership in the impossible task of turning their mercenaries into a credible internal opposition movement, USINT channels funds from the North American government’s budget to fuel the business of internal subversion, an official statement from the Cuban Foreign Ministry underlines.

The USINT has gone so far as to assign training tasks, established within its local headquarters and illegal Internet training centers, to provide courses to individuals, the official statement explains.

It adds that Washington’s goal is for these individuals to act against the interests of the Cuban state, in flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of Cuban Law and the agreement that itself led to the establishment of the U.S. Interests Section. The United States has among its fundamental purposes creating an opposition movement to the legitimate government of Cuba and promoting internal destabilization in order to cause a “regime change” in our country, says the ministerial declaration.

In recent years, the USINT has continuously carried out illegal activities that have nothing to do with the functions of a diplomatic mission but which consist of training, financing and supplying the means and technologies to their mercenaries in Cuba, highlights a commentary published today in the Granma Newspaper.

“Diplomats from that office continuously encourage these people to serve the interests of the Government of the United States against Cuba in exchange for a good monetary reward, to star in provocative actions (…) and work against the Cuban constitutional order,” it adds.

Cuba, as do many countries, requires the consent of the Cuban state and the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education in order to provide educational programs or courses, says the communication.

It is also required to obtain authorization and an operating license from the Ministry of Information and Communications to provide Internet services. The USINT does not have permission to give these services. Yet it continues to provide them without the consent of Cuban authorities, making them illegal, reiterates the statement.

It is unacceptable and cynical that such programs as the USINT promotes have been developed by the country holding a policy of hostility and blockade aimed at destroying the Revolution, and which restricts the free exchange of education, culture, academia, science and sports among the two countries, the statement says.

These subversive actions, coupled with the tightening of the economy due to the blockades, demonstrate that the current U.S. government has no real desire to leave behind the worst policies and practices of the Cold War, and does not desist from their attempts to try to bring our nation to its terms, it reaffirms.

The Foreign Ministry denounced the illegal and provocative activities of the U.S. Interests Section and demanded an end to its permanent incitement to carry out actions aimed at subverting the constitutional order that the Cuban people have chosen as a sovereign nation, says the report.

“The Foreign Ministry confirms that Cuba will not give ground to interference and will use every legal means at its disposal to defend the sovereignty it won and promulgate respect for the Cuban people and enforce the laws of the country,” the official statement concludes.

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