Suicide: Republican Style

For activists, it’s a compliment: “He uncompromisingly fights for…” For congressional members, however, that translates as the inability to compromise. That’s exactly where many Republicans are right now in the battle over the U.S. budget. And their first casualty is John Boehner, Speak of the House of Representatives, the de facto most powerful Republican in Washington.

Boehner took a chance on introducing a “Plan B” into the House for a vote. The plan proposed raising taxes on those earning more than $1 million annually. That was a far cry from the $250,000 cutoff point proposed by President Obama in his campaign, which was also popular with a majority of American voters.

Boehner’s strategy foresaw the Democratic minority in the House rejecting his plan and the Democratic Senate letting it die there. Then he would be able to blame the Democrats for the failure to reach an agreement and for America’s ensuing plunge off the “fiscal cliff.”

However, he couldn’t get his bill passed by Republicans who had sworn never to vote for any tax increase. He couldn’t get enough Republican votes for his bill, thereby suffering the biggest defeat of his tenure — a clear signal that Republican infighting is really about to take off.

With this suicide bomber-like work ethic, the Republicans have shown that they are no longer capable of governing. Now it’s up to the Democrats to do better and work in concert with any Republicans still capable of rational thought.

There are a few left, but not many.

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