Chinese National Health Report Predicts: A Complete Overtake of America by 2049

On Jan. 8, in Beijing, the Chinese Academy of Sciences National Health Research Group issued its first “National Health Report.” National health is the area in which China surpasses America the most, and it is also the most important form of “capital.” China only has to continue building its domestic aspects to fit the foreign, strengthening physical health and nurturing the nation’s “spirit of vitality,” and it is estimated that by the year 2049, it will certainly be able to comprehensively surpass the United States, thus realizing the great rebirth of the Chinese people.

“If the 20th century is said to be the American century, then the 21st century will be the Chinese century. This is not the naive optimism of subjective imagination; it is based on pragmatic assessments of Chinese and American national health.” This recently released National Health Report proposes a “roadmap” and “timetable” for China’s overtake of America: in 2007, China’s national health had already surpassed America’s. It is estimated that in 2019, China’s total economy will surpass America’s, and that in the year 2049, which is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of New China, the nation will achieve international status beyond that of the United States.

The report’s analysis gives diagnoses and assessments of Chinese and American national health: both sides’ “national physique,” “national eating habits,” “lifestyle” and “life cycle stages” — these four aspects find significant differences. Among them, that America is a “consumer” nation and a “parasite” nation, whereas China is a “production” nation and a “labor” nation. America is experiencing “menopause”: with physical aging and decline, conservative narcissism and frightened anxiety, it is easily susceptible to menopausal syndrome. China, meanwhile, is experiencing “puberty”: with fast growth and a fast pace, it is rich in dreams, seeking change and innovation, optimistic and confident, and prone to encounter growing pains.

On the whole, America is still a country guided by wealth and power: according to the assessment standard for “comparatively healthy” countries, America not only is unhealthy but also has a severe “health overdraft.” China’s national health is of the “standard growth” model. Although over the next forty years it may still have a lot of “skeletons in the closet,” and on the path of growth it may yet encounter a variety of unexpected complications and “development illness” vexations, the future outlook is bright. Surpassing America is only a matter of time.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences National Health Research Group Team Leader Yang Duo said that Chinese civilization has the quality of “development dividend” output: after comprehensively surpassing America in 2049 and realizing the “Chinese Dream,” China certainly must not imitate America’s role as “the world’s police,” but rather must become “the world’s doctor,” making a greater contribution to the development and progress of human civilization.

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