Xi-Obama Meeting: Michelle Snubbed Peng Liyuan

Posted on June 10, 2013.

Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.S. on June 7 to meet with Barack Obama drew the attention of the entire world. A meeting between the two first ladies of the respective countries also sparked great interest; however, according to recent news, President Obama will go alone and will not have Michelle accompany him. Michelle Obama and Peng Liyuan will not have the chance to meet. The world had been anticipating the two first ladies going head to head, and now that vision will never come to fruition.

According to the information released by Michelle Obama’s office, she will remain in Washington with her two daughters, since they are finishing their school term this week and returning home for the summer holiday. As I see it, this reasoning is a bit far-fetched. Michelle Obama has many opportunities to be with her daughters, while opportunities to meet with the first lady of China are few and far between.

In another report, while Obama is in California, Michelle will attend a fundraiser for Terry McAuliffe’s Virginia campaign in Washington. McAuliffe is a former Democratic Party chairman and a confidant of the Clintons. It certainly seems as if her daughters coming home for the summer holiday was not the only reason for Michelle missing the meeting with Peng Liyuan.

During her American visits, Peng Liyuan has again shocked the world. She has worn 13 different outfits, showing off new styles, and has received widespread media attention for her style and grace. As one online user wrote, “Peng Liyuan is radiant on every visit and is a beautiful sight for all of her public appearances. China has entered an era of first lady diplomacy.”

Faced with this situation, can it be that Michelle is insecure? Is she afraid that American tabloids will compare her with Peng Liyuan? Because this meeting is in such a private environment, there is a strong likelihood that the two women’s talents would be put to the test — and Peng Liyuan is the best singer of any first lady in the world!

There is also the fact that on Tuesday during a Democratic Party fundraising speech at which the first lady was speaking, a woman questioned President Obama’s actions and loudly called for an executive order on gay rights. This severely affected Michelle Obama’s emotional state, presumably compromising her ability to meet with Peng Liyuan. Reportedly, Michelle lashed out at the protester, and they had a serious confrontation.

Or maybe it is just that Michelle knows her temperament cannot match that of Peng Liyuan, and, upon realizing this, decided not to see her. The public media’s hopes for a confrontation between the two first ladies have been denied.

Enough idle banter: The point is, Michelle’s absence from the Obama-Xi Meeting could limit Peng Liyuan’s role in her two days in California, and Michelle’s behavior is likely going to be interpreted as a snub!

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1 Comment

  1. China is lucky to have such a beautiful, well mannered first lady such as Peng Liyuan. Here in America we are saddled with a woman who is more interested in partying with the Hollywood crowd and taking one vacation after another, while getting caught on an open mic disrespecting the American flag..and now disrespecting the first lady of China.

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