Obama's Muslim Brotherhood

Edited by Anita Dixon

Surprised that the United States removed its support from the Egyptian army? Calev Myers suggests that we shouldn’t be surprised. We need only to analyze the consistent policy of this president who has sided with radical Islam since the day he was elected.

The only surprising thing about Barack Obama’s behavior regarding events in Egypt has been seeing how that behavior has surprised others. From the day of his election, the American president has made a deliberate effort to prove to the world one clear fact: The Muslim Brotherhood are his brothers.

“Another conspiracy theory from the right,” you’re thinking. Not really. Before you close this article and move on to some other interesting topic, let’s ask ourselves a few simple questions:

Why did Obama choose to give his first television interview as president to the foreign press — to the Al-Arabiya network? Why, after his election, did Obama immediately travel to Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, “coincidentally” skipping Israel? Why did Obama choose to deliver his historic speech in Cairo at Al-Azhar, a Muslim university whose leaders make public calls for the murder of non-Islamic peoples, including Jews? And why, contrary to Hosni Mubarak’s clear desire, did Obama invite representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood to attend his speech? For the moment, we’ll push aside the question of why Obama, in that speech, compared the sufferings of the Palestinian people to the suffering of the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

Why, with the outbreak of events surrounding the Arab Spring in Egypt, did Obama immediately call for Hosni Mubarak’s resignation when it was clear that the Muslim Brotherhood would rise to power? Didn’t he know that under Sadat and Mubarak, Egypt was a strategic anchor for the United States in the Middle East; an anchor that had preserved peace and regional stability for 40 years?

The ‘Close Friend’ Erdogan

Other examples: Why did Obama ignore requests from members of Congress three times to withdraw financial support from Mohammed Morsi’s government, despite the anti-democratic changes inserted into the Egyptian constitution? Why does Obama support Recep Tayyip Erdogan, prime minister of Turkey, a clear Islamist who imprisoned most of the senior-ranking military, together with journalists who support democracy? Why did Obama demand that Benjamin Netanyahu apologize to Turkey regarding the Israel Defense Force’s actions in the flotilla incident? And why does Obama name Erdogan his “closest friend in the Middle East”? Why does Obama support the revolutionary forces in Syria, militias under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood? Why is Obama pressuring Israel not to attack Iran in order to prevent the nation from attaining nuclear armament?

Why did Obama, who has criticized Jewish settlement in the West Bank hundreds of times, avoid making public demands that the Palestinians reform their education system — the same system that denies the existence of Israel, actually educating students in terror and the expression of joy at the murder of Jews, promoting hatred and violence? Similarly, why, at the same time that he was pressuring Israel to sit down at the negotiation table with Palestine, did Obama refrain from criticizing the appeasement agreement between Fatah and Hamas?

Are you identifying a certain trend here? Are political commentators really naively asking why Obama removed U.S. support from the Egyptian army following the downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood and the imprisonment of Morsi? There are two ways to deal with the above questions. On the one hand, we can bury our heads in the sand and say that, as far as we can tell, these are all just a collection of bizarre incidents. It certainly couldn’t be the case that the president of the American people would clearly act against democratic, liberal values in favor of the process of Islamization in the world. Or, on the other hand, we can recognize the fact that Obama’s default position is always, in every situation, to support the Muslim Brotherhood.

It’s possible to love the existing reality, and it’s possible not to love it. However, we can’t deny the facts. Obama is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood — the same ones who massacre Christians, deny women and children their rights, oppress individual freedom and obstruct the processes of human progress and democracy.

In short, don’t be surprised.

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