Obama Represents the Party ofTraders, and Putin, of Producers

In Russia, the influence of producers is, first and foremost, the influence of average citizens.

Forbes has published its rating of the most influential people in the world, and first place went to Russian President Vladimir Putin. What is the basis of such a high ranking for our head of state? Is there not a catch to this?

Well-known analyst Anatoly Wasserman has given his view on the subject.

It Would Seem Obama Has More Opportunities To Act than Putin

As far as I can tell, President Putin’s rating as the most influential politician in the world is, for the moment, completely adequate. It is not just that it was Putin’s efforts that stopped the open intervention against our strategic rivals in Syria — and the war is continuing in the same format, using the hired hands of robbers; the regular army will somehow find a way to cope alongside them. In my opinion, it is far more important that Putin has much less reason now than President Obama to satisfy the wishes of his political rivals, although he certainly has rivals, and powerful ones at that.

Throughout the world, there has been an opposition between producers and traders for at least half a century. Moreover, in the Russian Federation, producers are now generally grouping around Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In the United States of America, producers are grouping around the Republican Party, and traders, around the Democrats.

It is very important to note that under equal circumstances, producers have less of a chance of victory than traders. The thing is that money is more impersonal than specific objects, so traders find it easier to mobilize their resource. It would seem that Obama has more opportunities to act than Putin, crudely speaking, insofar as he represents the party of traders, and Putin, the party of producers.

Mass Support for Putin Is Much Wider than for Obama

Nevertheless, Putin’s position is stronger thanks to a notable part of private industry being practically in ruin in the United States and the corresponding jobs being outsourced to regions with cheap labor, so the political influence of producers has been reduced to a minimum. This is not suitable for average citizens, and they continually inhibit the activity of everything close to trading through the use of stocks and shares.

In the Russian Federation, the influence of producers is first and foremost the influence of average citizens. We have many more average citizens engaged in the production of real goods and services than the United States. Accordingly, these citizens influence politics more toward the interests of production, and for this reason, mass support for Putin is wider than for Obama. In the end, it is this mass support that allows him to overcome the resistance of traders because money cannot fully replace people.

Putin’s success in stopping the (already prepared) war machine of the U.S. and its western European allies comes, first of all, from this mass support. Yes, in every concrete situation, traders are stronger, but producers have mass support. This gives me reason to hope that in Russian internal affairs, sooner or later, the interests of producers will win over those of traders.

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1 Comment

  1. This article is actually
    addressing the class warfare
    In the US , where the traders
    are winning.
    The producers in the US are now unemployed, or forced to convert to service work , or become traders , in order to survive in a traders
    only environment.

    Russia will emerge as a better country by supporting and advancing the producers Russia is creating a future for its producers/people.

    In a traders world money creates money .

    People are not included in this process.

    In a nation, if there is no production , people are forced idle and become a burden.

    This burden will pull the nation into an abyss.

    A nation cannot function
    without producers .

    The US is doomed !

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