US Senate Approves Bill in Favor of Drone Attacks

Edited by Keith Armstrong

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has approved a plan through which the U.S. government and citizens will increase their oversight of drone attacks carried out on militants outside the country.

By entrusting the oversight of drone attacks to the government and public, the U.S. makes it clear that it will not cease drone attacks, even after our repeated expression of concerns. The U.S. has closed its eyes to the bloodshed and devastation taking place in Pakistan as a result of the terrorism occurring in reaction to the drone attacks. Apparently, Pakistani lives hold no value for the U.S.

Following the approval of the bill on drone attacks by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, Pakistan now needs to provide security to its citizens by securing its air boundaries. All the political parties should unite in favor of stopping drone attacks in the same manner in which they united over the peace talks with the Taliban.

Let us bring down a drone and see. This is the only way American drones can be stopped. When Iran shot down a U.S. drone, the U.S. could not hurt Iran in any way, despite the existence of strained circumstances. Iran still exists in the world, despite its great hatred for the U.S. We also, instead of delaying any further, should maintain our air force on alert at our boundaries and shoot down any U.S. drone coming in for the attack. In this way, the ill effects of the destruction of our sovereignty can be mitigated.

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