
Having flooded southeastern Ukraine with blood, the Kiev junta “liberated” a few cities. The liberators also came to Ukraine back in 1941, and the national flag was raised over the Slavyansk.

“After a brave break through the Soviet fortifications on the west banks of the Dnieper river, our troops entered the city. The German military flag has been hoisted over the citadel since this morning. Offensive operations in the east of the Dnieper are moving forward and are unstoppable.” This was written on Sept. 21, 1941 in “Ukrainske Word,” a newspaper published by occupying Nazi authorities to welcome the Nazis’ victory over Kiev. We hear the same thing today.

The punitive operations have started in occupied cities: cleansing, where all men under 35 years old are being taken away indiscriminately, and men over 35 are being taken away with little discrimination. These men will be hostages, and the shame will be taken out on them later.

“Repeated cases of arson and sabotage in Kiev, force me to resort to extreme measures. Consequently 300 inhabitants of Kiev will be shot today. For every new case of arson or sabotage several times this number will be shot. Every inhabitant of Kiev is obliged to report any suspects to the German police. I shall maintain order and calm in Kiev by all measures at my disposal and under any circumstances,” noted City Commandant Eberhard, on Nov. 2, 1941.

Soon there will be announcements of this type: “Anyone who reports to the German authorities about hiding Jews, partisans, important Bolshevik workers who failed to register with the communists, and other enemies of the people will receive 10,000 rubles in cash, products, or a cow.”

Of course, the words will be different, but the idea is the same, and such an announcement is simply inevitable. Traitors, policemen and various authorities are ecstatic and bring bread and salt: victory.

This is a Pyrrhic victory (a “chocolate bunny” — Poroshenko, shooting at children, announced that science will have to starve as all the money will be spent on weapons, meaning that the idiots will be fighting, but with brand new rifles), but a victory. That’s what they think. They do not understand the brilliant message of the film “Ladies’ Tailor” (about a Jewish family from Kiev waiting to be sent to Babi Yar, a place of a massive execution of the Jews by Nazi tyrants in 1941).

Do you understand?

They are so ecstatic that they do not realize that the “victory” over women, children and ordinary citizens did not happen because of bombings in the southeast, nor because of deserters from the Ukrainian army, but only because the United States allowed the killing of innocent people.

With bundles of money (and sometimes direct threats), the mouths of human rights defenders, the Red Cross, the Commissioner for Human Rights and other shabby organizations of Western democracy were shut.

Again, the U.S openly told the world: If you do not like us, if you are against the rules that we have established (meaning against injustice), you will be destroyed. Gorbachev understood this immediately and received the Nobel Prize. Gadhafi did not and was killed.

Traitors and authorities think that they will survive because the right course will be supported in time, and those in the southeast are “separatists” and “terrorists.” They do not understand that “separatist” and “terrorist” are just tags that at any time can be hung on a corpse by the still living traitor.

Here in Kiev there are already demonstrations against robbery by new authorities, against tax increases and the collapse of social programs. They honestly support the junta and are only unhappy with the fact that the slogans they have proposed are not yet executed. It’s not that nobody is going to execute their propositions.

The fact is that the protesters have already put themselves in the category of politically unreliable. They were noted and can be announced as the enemies of a free Ukraine at any time. And if they do not agree, they will be bombed or shot — because the U.S. allowed it. In the southeast, it has already shown the world that people — children, the elderly, women — can be killed if they do not agree.

And if others agree.

And others agree. Tolerant Europe is silent. There are no demonstrations at the embassies with people shouting, “What are you doing?” There are no appeals to the United Nations. Kiev is also silent. No need to even mention the West.

Especially Americans. The U.S. spent 50 years to make a nation that once responded to the war in Vietnam with waves of anger, hundreds of protesters throwing orders and medals to the Capitol and the White House into silent cattle, slowly chewing their “Big Macs” in front of a TV showing the corpses of the residents of Slavyansk, Donetsk and Kramatorsk.

And only Russia declares, convenes, helps and saves. And this causes sanctions, condemnation, slander and the reputation of “renegade.”

This is the main conclusion of the massacre orchestrated by the punishers in the southeast.

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