Why Is Yoani Sánchez Going to Washington?

On Sept. 9, Barbara Bodine, director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University in Washington, reported that Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez would remain in the study center during the current year as an academic fellow of the communication giant, Yahoo!.

The scholarship has an allocation of $60,000, added to the numerous payments received by Sánchez over recent years by way of awards and other income. These include the 2,000 euro monthly salary as a newspaper correspondent for El País in Cuba, as well as that received as Vice President of the Inter American Press Association [Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa], sworn enemy, like the Madrid daily newspaper, of the Latin America and Caribbean popular governments, as well as subservient body to the increasingly interventionist policies of Washington in our region and the world in general.

Georgetown University is one of the most important personnel training centers in the service of U.S. imperialism. Included in its governing body are executives of gigantic corporations, pillagers of nations, including the Carlyle Group and the investment bank, Goldman Sachs.

Among its star graduates is former President of the United States Bill Clinton, who was one of the drivers of neoliberal politics at an international level and precursor to the current type of Yankee wars of aggression. There is also the ultra-neoliberal Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, who brought about the systematic impoverishment of tens of millions of people in his role as president of the European Commission.

Among its faculty, the genocidal Henry Kissinger and the wicked Madeleine Albright stand out, both former U.S. secretaries of state, as well as former CIA director, George Tenet, and Carol Lancaster, a former Deputy Director of United States Agency for International Development — a branch of the CIA. It has also taught the ineffable José María Aznar.

This information reconfirms Yoani Sánchez as a creature of the CIA.

The question is, why did the CIA remove her from Cuba? The Yankee organization of subversion and espionage had great hope in the services that she could provide to Cuba, as a substitute for their older generation agents who were discredited in front of citizens as the fifth column paid for by the United States, and fighting among themselves for money coming from abroad, which has horrified the American operators themselves.

Therefore, Yankee central intelligence allocated an enormous investment of resources to the international image-making of the dissident blogger, an issue that was conclusively argued in the aforementioned article in this journal. However, the reality is that Yoani has been a fiasco within the island. She does not have the least ability to officiate, and her blog is hardly read.

Worse still, the digital daily newspaper she runs, launched this year with the greatest of fanfares, and which is supposed to act as her political platform, has not fared much better. On the other hand, like the anti-revolutionary veterans, she has been discredited further by the intense political tourism that Cuba has been dedicated to since immigration reform passed in Havana in January 2013. From that time until Aug. 31 this year, Sánchez and her compatriots had been visiting other countries, and 183 of them returned to the island, most of them on several occasions. Many have been received at the White House and Congress, causing them to be discredited even more in Cuba, if that was even possible.

Some have received training in nonviolent strategy and Communist resistance at the Lech Walesa Institute in Poland. This year, 97 have traveled to the United States, 26 to Spain, and 10 to Mexico. Several of the visitors to the United States and Mexico have been trained in the use of new technologies, multimedia journalism techniques, and the fundamentals of leadership, empowerment, and in nonviolent civil action. The University of Florida has established the Vaclav Havel Chair to instruct them on transition lessons, and 17 young people studied human rights as interns at Miami Dade College, though three decided not to return to Cuba. A bad start.

Useless in Cuba, the only remaining thing for the CIA is to use Sánchez as an anti-revolutionary spokesperson abroad, and mainly in Washington, at a time when the empire is becoming increasingly aggressive.

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About Stephen Routledge 207 Articles
Stephen is a Business Leader. He has over twenty years experience in leading various major organisational change initiatives. Stephen has been translating for more than ten years for various organisations and individuals, with a particular interest in science and technology, poetry and literature, and current affairs.

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