A Healthy Body Is Necessary for the Job

Inspired by the image of people sweating it out at the gym, this reporter decided to go to the gym as well. I was surprised to make progress on a machine I had not used in a long time, but I was more surprised at my own physical decline.

When I looked to either side, all I saw was lots of people running nonchalantly. I also saw many people looking at the mirrors, checking out the bodies they had tempered at the gym, but I was not interested in looking at the reflection of the body I had built through unhealthy living.

But when faced with the harsh reality, I reflected on the many years of a lifestyle of inadequate exercise, and I made a pledge to regain the healthy body necessary for work.

The topic of health garners an extreme amount of attention in Washington when it comes to President Joe Biden. At 80 years old, Biden is the oldest president to ever hold office. For Biden, maintaining good health will be a critical factor in deciding whether to be a candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

After a physical examination in February, Biden received a clean bill of health, as physicians concluded that Biden was “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.” Nevertheless, on March 3, it was confirmed that a lesion that had been found on his chest was a form of skin cancer. Even though no further medical treatment is necessary beyond removing the lesion, the shadow of concern over bad health follows him.

During an election campaign, there is always a concern that the candidate’s health will be investigated, so the White House is nervous about managing Biden’s health. Uneasiness about carrying out his duties could have an impact on global politics. Even today, as this reporter struggles with muscle pain from going up and down stairs, I am deeply grateful to be an ordinary citizen.

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About Dorothy Phoenix 127 Articles
Dorothy is an independent video game developer, software engineer, technical writer, and tutor, with experience teaching students how to program and make games. In addition to programming and video games, Dorothy also enjoys studying Japanese language and culture. One of her goals is to exhibit a game at the Tokyo Game Show someday.

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