The Courts Can’t Stop Trump

The decision in Colorado that the ex-president will not be allowed to run in the Republican primary there gives him a new platform for his witch hunt theory.

Unelectable. The Supreme Court of Colorado has now ruled that what is completely obvious for fans of the Democrats applies to all citizens. Because of his role in the storming of the Capitol, Donald Trump will not be allowed to participate in the Republican primary in Colorado. The ruling is not final and will ultimately end up in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, where conservative justices are in a clear majority.

There are hundreds of good reasons why the rabble-rouser and demagogue Trump should under no circumstances become U.S. president again. His irresponsible behavior after the last presidential election is just one of those reasons. The fear that the U.S. under Trump would slowly but surely devolve into an autocracy is by no means far-fetched. That could set off a domino effect across the globe.

The fact that the self-promoter nonetheless is leading in the U.S. polls is, in any case, incomprehensible from a European perspective. But the ruling in Colorado will not affect his triumphal march. On the contrary, it gives Trump and his campaign team yet another platform for their theory that they are subject to a political witch hunt.

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