America Must Stop Accusing China of Interfering in the US Election

In recent interviews with National Public Radio and CNN, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that the United States has seen evidence that China is attempting to influence and interfere with the U.S. presidential election, and that it plans to seriously investigate any Chinese election interference with the hope China will abandon such efforts as soon as possible. Does this rhetoric sound familiar? Every election year, the United States stirs up rumors and lodges false accusations of Chinese election interference, yet it is unable to present any concrete evidence. In reality, the U.S. has chosen the wrong nation to blackmail.

Non-interference with internal affairs is one of China’s fundamental principles and one of its fine diplomatic traditions. China’s approach is clear: The United States presidential election is the United State’s domestic affair. China has never had any interest in nor will it engage in any means of interference. This is what China has both stated and done.

China is busy accelerating the development of new productive forces for advancing high-quality, Chinese modernization. Over the recent May Day holiday, a total of 295 million domestic trips were recorded, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%; domestic tourists spent nearly 167 billion yuan on travel, 12.7% more than the previous year; the national movie box office exceeded 1.5 billion yuan from nearly 38 million moviegoers, each of which exceeded the previous year’s records. With China’s development spreading like wildfire and its people’s lives taking all manner of shape and color, the nation is plenty preoccupied with its own business. What idle time does China have to spare for interfering with the United States election?

Some of America’s politicians spend their days suspecting everyone and casting slanderous aspersions on China, but an ulterior political motive lurks behind it all. They take advantage of a domestic political climate keen on upstaging China by playing the China card during their election campaign, conjuring a Chinese threat in attempts to divert public attention, thereby winning votes while justifying the containment and suppression of Chinese development. American legislators believe that neither reality and truth nor the stability of China-U.S. relations is important. What they truly care about is how to exploit their China card for personal gain.

Interfering with the internal affairs of other nations is America’s specialty. Hiding behind Georgia’s “Rose Revolution,” Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution,” Kyrgyzstan’s “Tulip Revolution,” among others is the insidious hand of America. The United States ought to reflect on its own history rather than get comfortable with the role of bandit role and suspect everyone. Such behavior is undoubtedly a villainous heart taking aim at the heart of a gentleman.

As the United States’ election campaign advances, all kinds of Chinese election interference rhetoric will continue to pile up — and accordingly, we must be more vigilant. China steadfastly opposes anyone who harms Chinese interests by talking down China for their own electoral objectives. China would be happy to see a self-confident, open and prosperous America, and also hopes America can likewise view Chinese development and China-U.S. relations with optimism. Hopefully, the United States can meet China halfway and work to remedy US-China relations with peace, stability and trust. The duty to move forward as two responsible global superpowers benefits both nations and the world.

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