Who Will Tell Him? After This Debate, Anything Seems Better Than Sticking with Biden

Joe Biden has put the Democrats into a panic with his performance. The United States needs another choice in this duel between a weak old man and a notorious liar.

This television debate was a nightmare. But there was also something good about it. It mercilessly revealed the two unacceptable alternatives facing the U.S.: the choice between a weak old man and a notorious liar.

If the only issue were the proverbial question from the annual night at the Oscars, “And the winner is …?” there would be only one answer. The winner of the duel was Donald Trump. Not because of his own strength but because no opponent stood on stage who could keep up with his energy.

Joe Biden’s stance, articulation and gestures revealed from the start that he lacked energy. His voice was quiet; his words were often washed-out. He repeatedly floundered and had to clear his throat to free his vocal cords. Listening to him, one worried anxiously whether he would finish his sentences.

This 81-year-old is running to lead the United States, a global power, for another four years? It’s hard to believe.

Of course, Biden also had good moments, especially in the second half of the one-and-a-half hours. He spoke coherently, attacked Trump as a “liar,” and put him in his place.

But he could no longer undo the catastrophic impression from the first half hour. And too often such moments were followed by scenes that erased any positive impressions. It was painful to watch.

Trump, too, left a terrifying impression. An uncontrolled man who did not answer the questions posed to him: questions about his role in the storming of the Capitol and the criminal proceedings against him, about his plans for the looming crisis of Social Security or the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

Trump Spreads Lie upon Lie

Trump spread lie upon lie and retreated with every second sentence into a fantasy world that had no connection with reality.

Supposedly, everything was wonderful when he was president. The whole world was jealous of the U.S.

Then Biden took office in 2021. He should have just left everything as it was when Trump handed it over, Trump insisted. But Biden turned the U.S. into a catastrophe, from the economy and the pandemic to the border.

Trump offered so many points of attack that another debate opponent could have ripped him to pieces. And if points were awarded based on who had the better factual arguments, even the aged Biden would have won the debate. But the visual impression made him the clear loser.

The Democrats are now panicking. The performance made clear to the U.S. and to the world that Biden is too old. But who will tell him that he needs to step aside? The person most likely to do it is his wife, Jill.

And then? The formal nomination of the presidential candidate for the Nov. 5 election does not happen until the Democratic Convention in Chicago in mid-August, anyway. The most obvious alternative to Biden is Vice President Kamala Harris.

Until now, Democrats have viewed her with skepticism. According to current polling, she would lose against Trump. But after this television debate, anything seems better than sticking with Biden. The Democrats still have four months before Election Day to turn things around.

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