The Main Goal: Preventing Trump’s Return*

*Editor’s note: On March 4, 2022, Russia enacted a law that criminalizes public opposition to, or independent news reporting about, the war in Ukraine. The law makes it a crime to call the war a “war” rather than a “special military operation” on social media or in a news article or broadcast. The law is understood to penalize any language that “discredits” Russia’s use of its military in Ukraine, calls for sanctions or protests Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It punishes anyone found to spread “false information” about the invasion with up to 15 years in prison.

Dmitry Drize – on the aftermath of the debate between the 45th and 46th U.S. presidents.

Is Biden ready to step down? The question has taken center stage in global media. The public and numerous observers have been notably disappointed with the current American president’s lackluster debate performance. As a result, there are calls for the Democratic Party to nominate a different candidate for the presidential election. Dmitry Drize, a political observer for Kommersant FM, believes it is more advantageous for Russia to deal with the current administration.

The progressive global community is shocked by the recent debate between the two main contenders for the U.S. presidency. The general conclusion is that neither of them is suitable for such a high office. However, Joe Biden, to put it mildly, is not in good shape. Even if he wins the election, it is highly unlikely that he will be able to fully perform his duties.

This has led to discussions suggesting that the Democratic Party should nominate someone else. The media are circulating a list of potential names, including current Vice President Kamala Harris and former First Lady Michelle Obama. The Russian audience is not familiar with the other potential candidates, so there’s little point in listing all their names.

However, if Biden withdraws from the race after just one poor debate performance, it would be a clear sign of weakness, bordering on hysteria. Therefore, such a scenario is unlikely. Biden’s team says the president wasn’t feeling well due to a cold and that he will be better prepared for the next debate. Moreover, people believe Biden symbolizes a country and a world that are effectively governed by a collective group of leaders close to Barack Obama’s former administration. There is also a general sense that only Biden, despite his current state, can realistically beat Trump.

If Trump were to withdraw, then the Democrats might consider bringing in another candidate. We can’t entirely dismiss this possibility, especially since their dear friend Donald faces possible time in prison. Although he can legally become president even while in jail, it is doubtful he would find that situation comfortable. In fact, many openly acknowledge that the main goal of the progressive community is to prevent Trump’s return. Everything else is secondary. It is unacceptable to disrupt the existing order, i.e., the elite consensus. To this end, any means are justified. Some may decry the elites’ cynicism and their fear of change, even for the better. Yes, it’s unfortunate, but that’s the reality we face.

Still, let’s avoid lengthy digression about the troubled state of the modern world. Instead, let’s turn to our traditional segment, “What About Russia?” It appears that a weakened Democratic administration, led by a collective group of leaders, is better for Russia in every sense than an unpredictable Trump, who says and promises anything, even the impossible. The Biden and Obama administrations are viewed as peacemakers and advocates of soft power. Consider the so-called nuclear deal with Iran, for example.

We see that in the Islamic Republic, a reformist candidate, a proponent of developing relations with the West, has unexpectedly high chances of winning the presidential election. It might not be a coincidence. There are reasons to believe that Moscow also finds it better to support the current American administration in some ways. It is much easier to reach agreements with them than with Trump.

How to support them? Advance toward a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine issue, for one thing. Overall, placing all our bets on Trump and far-right parties in Europe might not be the best solution to the current difficult situation. Populists are unreliable – you can’t trust them. But back to Biden. People are saying that only his wife, Jill, can persuade him to withdraw from the election. This speaks to the role of women in history. Sometimes, the fate of the world is decided in such ways.

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About Nane Sarkisian 19 Articles
Born in Armenia, and raised mostly in Russia, Nane Sarkisian earned a BA in Linguistics from Surgut State University and a Fulbright-sponsored MA in Linguistic Anthropology from Northern Illinois University, where she studied language-culture correlation. Her professional journey includes roles as a Senior Language Specialist, Freelance Translator, and English Teacher. Fluent in English, Russian and Armenian, Nane actively engages in academic discourse, volunteering programs and anti-discrimination projects. She is a firm believer in the transformative power of education, inclusivity, empathy, cross-cultural exchange and social cohesion. Please feel free to contact Nane by email at

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