Country 1st, Then the Person: Old Joe Is Becoming a Troubling Example

Politicians here at home would also do well to repeat this sentence to themselves: There is a task that is more important than us. It also strengthens democracy.

Joe Biden, again. The misspeaking, the images — everything spreads rapidly around the globe. With every new, disturbing detail, he gets weaker. Biden as an example of a man clinging to political office is a warning for everyone.

The numerous questions about his mental fitness and those coming in the context of a major international event — what Biden (had to) put up with. It was and is demeaning — for him as a person, for the presidency as an institution, and, ultimately, for the great nation globally.

After all, as U.S. president, Biden occupies the most important office in Western civil society. At least for now. Because the questions will not stop. That is also because of him. Old Joe is becoming a troubling example far beyond the United States. He is showing what happens when a person considers him- or herself more important than the task.

It is also a warning for parties. Things can end up this way when they do not promptly resolve leadership questions and instead just let the debate more or less keep going.

It Also Sounds Like German Parties

In that case, one camp clings to a supposedly confirmed candidate while another wants to remove him or her. And then there’s an argument about potential successors in which they can’t come to an agreement. That also sounds like some German parties, namely the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party of Germany.

Of course, Biden still has ambitions. He was one of the youngest senators in U.S. history and is one of the country’s most experienced politicians. But this period has clouded his vision. He doesn’t see when it’s time to go, to retain his dignity as a person and the dignity of the institution. And the democracy!

No one can claim that this situation is only possible in the U.S. This challenge is also present in Germany: first the country, then the party and the person. Elections are coming up here, too, after all.

Politicians with a desire to lead and the ambition to become German chancellor would do well to repeat this sentence to themselves: There is a task that is more important than us. And those who say that to themselves will surely find the answer better than Biden.

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