Kamala Harris’ Weakness is Her Strength*

*Editor’s note: On March 4, 2022, Russia enacted a law that criminalizes public opposition to, or independent news reporting about, the war in Ukraine. The law makes it a crime to call the war a “war” rather than a “special military operation” on social media or in a news article or broadcast. The law is understood to penalize any language that “discredits” Russia’s use of its military in Ukraine, calls for sanctions or protests Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It punishes anyone found to spread “false information” about the invasion with up to 15 years in prison.

Political analyst Alexei Mukhin: I don’t think Kamala Harris can beat Donald Trump.

When you talk about the role of president in the United States, you have to remember that the court plays the king. Joe Biden himself admitted he was persuaded to run for a second term. Ultimately, it turned out that it was his inner circle again that persuaded him to withdraw his candidacy.

I want to emphasize once again that the figure of the U.S. president is largely in name only. Therefore, I believe we’re in for a fascinating election campaign that will further discredit the institution of the American presidency. In the end, I’m hoping to enjoy an interesting spectacle, like the extensive use of administrative resources to count votes and the doubts each candidate will have about the results.

Everything I’ve heard suggests that Kamala Harris has poor cognitive abilities, with all that means for defense and anything that concerns the U.S. president.

She does have one strong feature — her weakness and dependence on those around her. Because her advisers will play king and support her in every way. A weak politician is exactly what others need. Many Democrats support her because she will be easy to control.

Notably, there was a whole series of palace coups in 18th century Russia, and women were often placed on the throne. The coups were nearly always motivated by the idea that a woman is weak and can be controlled. I think the Democrats might believe the same thing.

However, to be honest, I don’t think Harris can beat Trump. Right now, she’s trying to gain the support of as many Democrats as possible. Perhaps she is discussing her running mate, more so as a bargaining chip. Additionally significant is the fact that the Democrats realize it will be extremely difficult to quickly find and especially promote a viable challenger to Trump. Therefore, many Democrats reject Michelle Obama, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, among others. They simply refuse to play a losing game, postponing their ambitions for four years. If Biden had dropped out of the presidential race in March, they would have had time to build up a challenger.

No woman has served as U.S. president yet. But it seems they now have hit on choosing candidates based on who has not yet served as president. There hadn’t been a Black president, so they elected Barack Obama. There hasn’t been a woman of color, so here’s Harris, a liberal woman of color. Well, that’s practically bingo. Therefore, I reiterate, Harris is a candidate of very limited use. Any attempt to use her, as a negotiator, for example, has always ended in disaster. Remember when she went to Africa? African countries turned to Russia after that.

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About Nane Sarkisian 17 Articles
Born in Armenia, and raised mostly in Russia, Nane Sarkisian earned a BA in Linguistics from Surgut State University and a Fulbright-sponsored MA in Linguistic Anthropology from Northern Illinois University, where she studied language-culture correlation. Her professional journey includes roles as a Senior Language Specialist, Freelance Translator, and English Teacher. Fluent in English, Russian and Armenian, Nane actively engages in academic discourse, volunteering programs and anti-discrimination projects. She is a firm believer in the transformative power of education, inclusivity, empathy, cross-cultural exchange and social cohesion. Please feel free to contact Nane by email at nanesosovnasarkisian@gmail.com

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