The entire world agrees that the occupation of Iraq was a crime that unleashed violence in this formerly stable country. The American campaign in the region unleashed terror in the name of the war on terror. That is how ruin was released in Iraq, and instability, unrest, confusion, and exhaustion were released in the entire region!
Dick Cheney alone headed this rightist conservative gang and President Bush was merely the front man in this administration, which was condemned by the world and repudiated by the American people. The presidential elections were tantamount to a referendum that rejected its antagonistic path. This administration alone believed in seizing and confiscating Iraq by insisting on signing the security agreement which is rejected by the Iraqi people, who have a special sensitivity to colonialism in a time when the epoch of Western colonialism has ended. The Bush-Cheney administration opposes universal progress and development, universal liberation, self-determination, and respect for the dignity of nations.
The contradiction is that even in the frame of the current governing Iraqi institutions, which are American creations, there are those who oppose signing the “deed of servitude” which goes under the title “the security compact” or “agreement.” There is a fear that it will lead to deepening Iraq’s crisis and weakening the nation and sanctioning its partition and destruction. Whereas the ill-fated and captive Iraqi people could not repel the harm, aggression, and evil which tear Iraq apart, the brave resistance and its rejection were behind Americas defeat and failure of its aggressive policy in the world. That is what will make all countries, especially the Arab countries, assume their responsibilities towards the people whose fortress of steadfastness broke the American attack. (It was an attack) for hegemony over the world, beginning with our region. It started in Iraq, which upset the American imperialistic project.
What transpires in Iraq are the most prominent headlines of a struggle for our nation. America doesnt conceal the fact that it wants to impose the example of Iraq on all of the countries of the region. That is in accordance with the gradual widening of the preemptive war which it says is long-term and of wide scope. Consequently all of the Arab countries should remember the Arabic proverb, I was eaten the day the white bull was eaten (meaning my fate was sealed when I let someone else serve as a scapegoat). We call on them to defend their existence, stability, national freedoms, and human dignity, the most important of which is what every Arab country says, that the national security is indivisible. Perhaps what has happened in the past five years after the occupation of Iraq in the spring of 2003 reinforces our call for an awareness of the ruin caused by the occupation of Palestine and Iraq. For it is the cause of deteriorating conditions in the community of Arab nations, and all of the threats we face, and all of the dangers to which we are exposed.
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