America’s Anger About the Successful Meeting of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan

OPD: 18 Feb

Edited by Gillian Palmer (Proofing TP 2/23)

Ed. to proofreader: this is close to straight reportage; backdate at your discretion

Fars News reported that America is angry about a three-way meeting between Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This news agency announced that one day after Pakistan’s announcement, they are ready to complete Iran’s gas line project; the State Department’s spokesperson again opposed the implementation of this plan.

According to this report, Victoria Nuland said, “We’ve seen this discussion about this proposed pipeline go on for a long time, and there have been many fits and starts. We think it’s a bad idea; we’ve made that clear.” The State Department’s spokesperson continued, “If in fact the pipeline does go forward, we have issues of concern and we’ve been very clear about those with the Government of Pakistan.”

In response to questions from reporters in Washington, she added, “At this time, I cannot say what America’s reaction would be should the Iran-Pakistan pipeline be completed. However, America does have measures in mind in regards to this matter.*” She emphasized that America has no intention of interfering with Pakistan’s internal affairs.

Asif Ali Zardari, the president of Pakistan, also made comments at the three-way meeting between Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was held in Islamabad. He again confirmed the implementation of this project and noted that pressure and sanctions from America would not create disorder in the completion of the project.

Supposedly, the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline would export 21.5 cubic meters of gas from Iran to Pakistan daily. Although Pakistan is facing a severe energy crisis, and this plan could meet many of Pakistan’s gas needs, up to this point American pressures have created many obstacles to the project’s completion.

*Editor’s note: The quote, although accurately translated, could not be verified in English

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