Hitler and Bush: Both Are Now Dead!

Perhaps contemporary Egyptian and Arab generations know of the late Nazi tyrant of Germany, Adolf Hitler’s, and his suicide immediately after the fall of Berlin and the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Soviet army of Stalin and the communist party following Hitler’s unprecedented genocidal wars against Socialists, Democrats and other opponents of Nazism both inside and outside Germany, taking tens of millions of souls.

Presently, everyone believes that Bush, the ex-American president is already regarded dead by those outside his America. As the Arab poet says, not only the dead die: the living do too. Indeed, he was killed by the shoe of the young Iraqi journalist, Muntadhar Al Zaidi.

Yes, it was Muntadhar Al Zaidi, the young man who stands for all Arabs and Iraqis, who began his political life when he occupied a leading student position in Baghdad University at the time of late Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. He is a Shiite with one sister who is married to a Sunni Iraqi and another who is the wife of a Kurdish Sunni Iraqi. So, rooted in his Arabism, nationalism and ethical sense of duty and responsibility towards his people, he employed his shoes to punish Bush directly for invading his homeland and to blame Bush’s agents and the Arab rulers who gave him the thumbs up, and even took part in his imperialist wars and aggression, rooted in evangelical and Zionist conservative racialism, and inspired by the past American wars of genocide against blacks and Red Indians.

And in spite of the fact that the atrocities Bush committed against Arabs and Muslims in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Somalia, some Arab regimes, who used to woo and ally with him, toughly condemned the spiritually and symbolically humiliating shoe incident. However, this condemnation was drowned out by the worldwide spasms glee and pride – as if Al Zaidi’s shoes had been pebbles used to stone the devil.

In contrast, few gloated over the defeat and suicide of Hitler. Rather, just a few Egyptian thinkers were led by the rightist and poet of patriotism, Dr. Aziz Fahmy, the lawyer and herald of the Al Wafd Party, who wrote a poem in Al Ahram Daily upon Hitler’s death, describing an eagle killed by its own claws, with nowhere to be buried.

Actually, this can be ascribed to the fact that Egyptian people did not hate Hitler as much as the English invaders. Evidently, the first speech Hitler gave in 1939 regarding the eruption of WW II was aired by the Egyptian Radio for three hours. On that day, the public cafes were stuffed with listening workers, farmers and craftsmen. Even small children shared this feeling without grasping the least meaning of the event. Al Azhar, with its Sheikhs and students, backed Rommel, the No.1 army commander of Hitler. The Egyptian and Arab military veteran, Aziz Pasha Al Masry, attempted a failed flight to join the German army in the Western Desert.

In conclusion, the bloody life story of Hitler is not any more in the Egyptian minds or memory, but that of Bush and all of his crimes against the entire Arab world and Muslim nation shall be remembered for decades to come, thanks to the shoes of the brave Muntadhar Al Zaidi, who cursed Bush before bidding him farewell too!

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1 Comment

  1. i dont think i would brag about being supporters of hitler.

    as far as bush he is no hitler but he did want a war and got his war after 9/11.

    the american people wanted revenge and any muslim would do. even the iraqis who had nothing to do with 9/11. americans loved seeing the huge shock and awe bombing and the mega troop invasion so they could show off their military might. national ego thing.

    bush wanted to be a war president (very popular in america to win a war) and he wanted that oil for foreign and american oil companies to sign contracts with the puppet goverment of iraq protected from their own people in the green zone.

    we americans will pay the price for our war mongering. a very difficult and harsh price. america is bankrupt and living on borrowed and printed money.

    that band aid will soon come off. the middle class in america is history. the war mongering machine will destroy america.

    dont feel sorry for us we voted these people into office. you have to understand we have southern states that raise their children to fight in these wars for profits and call them heros for doing so.

    in america our soldiers are considered heros that is how decades of brainwashing can warp a nations mind. now this corp war machine has control over the mass media.

    things will get worst before they get better. if you are a third world country and have oil we will see you soon. 🙂

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