When we talk about Syria’s enemies who come from a few different nationalities, what we mean precisely are the ruling regimes that play the game of politics in an immoral way in order to gain certain benefits. That is because Syria’s sole enemy in this universe is the Zionist entity and those who stand beside it supporting its racist positions and its ambitious desire to violate the Arabs’ right to the occupied territories of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. When we accuse a government or refer to the unfavorable positions it adopts on matters related to us, we exclude its people from that accusation; among them are those who disagree with and openly oppose its politics.
Now that the league of Syria’s enemies has exhausted its political and military capacities in its obscene war against Syria, and the façade of spreading freedom, supporting democracy and the other dishonest slogans with which the paid-off, yellow media worked has collapsed, they are facing the consequences of the resounding defeat that awaits them, looming on the near horizon. Hence, observers believe that Syria’s enemies have been overcome by a state of confusion, blundering and obscured vision with regards to the geo-political future of the region — a future determined mainly by Damascus. Only Damascus has the keys to power; it is always the victor who decides how to capitalize on results and who imposes the conditions that they think will serve their strategic interests. Syria’s triumph, a consequence of the legendary endurance of the country’s people and their strong support of their brave national army, has given birth to a state of severe anxiety amongst all of the countries that have waged a terrorist war against it or have supported that war in one way or another, primarily the United States and those collaborating with it in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.
The recent actions that Qatar’s sheikdom has undertaken in the name of the Arab Group of automatons* and the introduction of a draft resolution to condemn Syria are malicious steps towards obstructing the path of the forthcoming international conference that, based on all sides adhering to the terms of the Geneva 1 principles, intends to solve Syria’s crisis in accordance with the latest Russian-American agreement that took place in Moscow. U.N. envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, in spite of his prejudiced attitude against the Syrian government, stressed that this draft’s objective is to obstruct a peaceful solution — “and one of their own bore witness.”**
For his part, Dr. Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s permanent representative in the United Nations, has indicated that “those standing behind the General Assembly’s resolution didn’t mention the word ‘terrorism’ because they would be condemning themselves … The resolution aims to enflame the situation in Syria and it is running against the current, especially in the light of the latest Russian-American rapprochement.”*** Similarly, he indicated that the insistence of parties in Qatar, Turkey and other countries that shed Syrian blood on shoving a stick into the train’s wheels rolling toward a solution to the crisis is merely a desperate attempt to draw the world into adopting rash positions on Syria. They do this by concocting lies about things such as the explosions in Turkey’s al-Rihaniya region, through Erdogan’s casting accusations against Syria without a shred of evidence and through Qatar’s role in kidnapping U.N. soldiers in the Golan Heights. This behavior results from the genuine fear held by those little collaborators of having the train pass over their heads, completely marginalizing them from the political arena. Events occurring in Turkey are a sign of the future of failed governments.
But no matter how hard they try and how many obstacles they introduce, they won’t deflect Syria from the course of its great national project and of implementing its harmonious reform program to build a modern Syria, with the participation of all of its loyal people. Nor will they deter Syria from continuing its war against terrorism, with a strength and determination that cannot by defeated despite the powers supporting the terror, until Syria is cleansed of the very last terrorist criminal.
This proves that the United States and its allies have failed in their war on Syria, and that their collaborators in the region have fallen into a predicament that is considerably difficult to escape from, especially now that the truth has become clear to the Western media, which has begun acknowledging the presence of al-Qaida and its branches on the ground in Syria [sic]. The United Nation’s decision to put the al-Nusra Front on its terrorist list and the American administration’s acknowledgement that the so-called “Arab Spring” has hindered the war on terror constitute an escape route; they want to disavow failed policies that allowed aid and weapons from America and other countries to fall into the hands of al-Qaida, the terrorist organization. This is what exposed America’s sly, dishonest role to public opinion in that country and around the world. For America, creating a quick, political solution to the Syrian crisis has become a distinct necessity, especially now that Israel’s hostility to Syria has increasingly complicated the situation, with Syria responding more firmly on a number of levels and in extremely serious strategic terms. Out of all of this came the request to convene an international conference as quickly as possible. It is the only exit, the only way to control the repercussions of the conflict on a regional and global level.
The possibility of this conference being convened at the time expected will be determined by the commitment of the United States and its comrades in the war on Syria to the basic necessities and conditions of a settlement, which must not be compromised under any circumstances. The most important condition is respecting, protecting and not transgressing Syria’s sovereignty. At the forefront of this issue are Syria’s independence, its sovereignty over its united territory and the fact that determining the form and structure of its government, along with the powers of the various links, is the right of the Syrian people. Only Syria can decide those things.
Syria’s presence at the conference — if fated to convene — and its constructive engagement with the discussions therein will stem from the fact that the Syrian crisis is a distinctly international crisis. The international community and its related organizations must bear responsibility for finding a solution and doing what is necessitated by their humanitarian duty toward the Syrian people, which has had an unjust global war imposed upon it. The Syrian people’s role in this war has been to defend their country and the institutions that it built over many decades. What Syria’s brave Arab army has carried out in pursuing and crushing criminal terrorist gangs was imposed upon it by a national and moral duty to defend the homeland, the lives of the citizens and their interests, which have been violated in the most heinous way in history by terrorists from al-Qaida and its branches. Thus, those who participate in the coming international conference must look at the Syrian government’s attendance as stemming from Syria’s desire to find a political solution to the crisis, stop the acts of violence and terrorism and allow Syrians to choose the form and nature of the state that they want without any pressure or external impositions. That is because Syria refuses all kinds of guardianship. The era of mandates has gone, never to return.
*Translator’s Note: The author is sarcastically referring to the Arab Group in the United Nations.
**Translator’s Note: The author has used a Quranic verse that is commonly quoted when someone testifies against his own group.
***Editor’s Note: Although accurately translated, the first half of this quote could not be verified.
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