Russia's Answer to NATO Presence in Black Sea

According to Russian political experts, the temporary deployment of Russian warplanes to Venezuela is Moscow’s answer to NATO’s Black Sea presence, and a signal of Russia’s readiness to confront foreign military influence – upon provocation – in any region of the world.

“Absolutely, it is an answer to the presence of the Alliance’s navy in the Black Sea. Of course, the joint exercises and the temporary deployment of our military planes were planned out earlier; but in the context of events in the Caucasus, it is one of many possible responsive measures,” political scientist Vyacheslav Nikonov stated to Interfax.

In his opinion, the impending exercises are a signal that Russia will react to any provocation it is forced to face. “It is a witness to the fact that Moscow absolutely will not leave unattended any activities which could be perceived as a provocation. That includes our Western partners, too,” he said. In his opinion, it is possible that there may be prospective Russian military bases in Venezuela.

“But that is pure speculation. At the moment, it isn’t necessary,” said Nikonov.

General Director of Russia’s Political and Economic Communications Agency, Dmitry Orlov, shares the belief that the temporary deployment of Russian anti-submarine aircraft to Venezuelan air bases, and the impending naval exercises of the two countries, are Russia’s answer to NATO’s naval influence in the Black Sea.

“NATO’s navy is located off Russian shores, and Moscow can’t fail to react,” commented Orlov. He stressed that “plans for military cooperation with Venezuela signify that Russia will expand its influence and, possibly – to the degree it is necessary – its military presence in various regions of the world.”

“Russia’s growing activism in this regard does not mean that Moscow is inclined to carry out an aggressive, anti-American agenda. Russia will simply take those steps which it deems necessary to protect its geopolitical interests,” said Orlov.

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