There has been yet another shocking incident of gun violence in the United States. A man named Jared Lee Loughner shot U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat, outside a grocery store in Tucson, Arizona. Six people, including a federal judge, were killed at the scene. Along with Representative Giffords, 13 people were reported to have been injured. Tremendous political impact is taking hold as a rising Jewish-American political star has fallen into critical condition from a gunshot wound.
Gun violence occurs frequently in American society, where the possession of firearms is peculiarly sanctioned in a complicated system. Because the culprit is thought to have emotional issues, there are also suspicions that the crime is politically motivated. Before the shooting, Loughner posted videos with anti-government messages online, while Representative Giffords received threats for having voted for last year’s health care reform. Taking these factors into consideration, it is very important to ensure that the motive behind the shooting is thoroughly investigated. No matter what the reason, there is no justification for taking the lives of innocent citizens and politicians.
In connection with this incident, there are assertions that excessively malicious political rhetoric drove an emotionally unstable youth to resort to violence. “These sorts of things I think invite the kind of toxic rhetoric that can lead unstable people to believe this is an acceptable response,” said Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, all the while calling for greater refinement of political conversation. This is a very persuasive argument. The Korean political elite would do well to heed and act on such advice. Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin particularly acted in unwarranted excess by placing Representative Giffords on her “political” hit list and targeting the Congresswoman under crosshairs.
Several Arizonans are to be commended for bravery in throwing themselves in harm’s way to prevent what could have been even greater damage done by Loughner.
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