From Simpleton to Sucker

The Americans, French and British are considering supplying the Libyan rebels with weapons so they can topple dictator Moammar Gadhafi more quickly. It’s amazing how easily they accept the notion that the rebels are somehow virtuous and democratic.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This facile worldview misses one important variation: What happens if the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy? The Americans never asked themselves that question some 30 years ago when they began supplying the Afghan Mujahadin with Stinger surface-to-air missiles and training them how to use them against the Soviets invading their country. That naiveté was dearly paid for later on. Now the Americans, French and British are considering supplying the Libyan rebels with weapons so they may more quickly topple dictator Moammar Gadhafi. Never mind that NATO members have reached no agreement on this plan. U.N. Resolution 1973 calls for the protection of civilian lives, not peace through superior firepower. It’s amazing how much lack of imagination there must be to assume that the rebels in Libya are somehow virtuous, democratic and respectful of human rights.

Meanwhile, there are numerous indicators that raise doubt about that. Whoever makes a mistake may be a simpleton, but whoever makes the same mistake twice is a sucker.

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