Obama Learns from Chavez

Oliver Stone’s comments to the intergalactic leader, Barack Obama, did not see their high point on the red carpet. The moment of highest intensity reached the embattled filmmaker the next day when he told the international press that Obama should learn from commander in chief Chavez in order to make himself a better president. What a guy! A statement like that has never even been made by Jacqueline Faría, author of the poem about the magic fingers of the military used to help the statesman and the designer of the revolutionary Olympic pool in Guaire.

Barrack Obama does not clearly see the immense opportunities for improvement that he is missing. It is worth the effort, in front of the selfish silence of Venetian nobility, to give a few points to the U.S. head of state.

The first thing that Obama needs to do is decree a controlled change that permits the redistribution of wealth with a socialist direction. That is to say, the dollars are for the governing leaders and the crumbs, if any, for the citizens. With this formula he can eliminate the autonomy of the Federal Reserve and appoint some friend as president of the institution. He can, almost on the fly, nationalize the petroleum industry, fire the best technicians and replace them with his fellow party members. This plan will not miss. Invading and expropriating the southern farmers and their goods is an infallible mechanism to achieve so called food sovereignty.

Obama can also copy the militarist scheme. The question that he should ask himself is this: What does the military do in the Pentagon and in the barracks? Nothing that a military led by the secretary of state couldn’t accomplish. Obama should take notice of the perfection achieved by the military in the health of Venezuela.

Another policy that Obama should follow is to bombard internal producers and increase imports of food from far, corrupt and expensive countries. The masterful trick of Chavism; writing off neighboring Columbia as a supplier in order to buy from Argentina works great from start to finish. The U.S. should cast off Mexico and Canada. Obama should do this as fast as he can, ruin the hospital system and generate the collapse of private medicine. That is socialism.

At the same time he should leave as many schools as possible without protection. There will always be trees to in which to hold classes. It is indispensable that he creates a Sunday Obama show in that, without shame, he can tell all the gringos about how his great-grandfather hunted elephants in Kenya 100 years ago. Another important measure is to eliminate this absurd federalism. To centralize is vital in order to remove the budget power from hardened governors. Obama should create regional government bosses without legitimacy, like Jacqueline Faría. If it works in Venezuela, it will be better in the U.S.

Obama learns. That is how he governs.

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