Gays, Let’s Get Married

The legalization of homosexual marriage on June 24 by the New York State Congress confirms an unwritten principle in America: Organized minorities generally overcome the majority.

Tocqueville feared that American democracy, then universal democracy, would only suppress liberties under the weight of the majority by obligatory conformity. It’s the opposite that’s happening.

To examine all the triumphant causes since the abolition of slavery and civil equality, which were originally through the initiative of churches in the 19th to 20th centuries (militant gays identify themselves with blacks fighting for civil rights), the elected majority or those polled, have always been flushed out by organized minorities. New York is the sixth state where homosexual marriage has become legal, and the most symbolically important, in spite of the reluctance of the majority of Americans. Supporters of gay marriage, to get around conservative public opinion, used the usual weapons of political activism: transforming their battle into a cause, referring to individual rights — which in the Constitution and in American civilization prevails over the collective — and, last but not least, surrounding themselves with good lawyers.

To compare what isn’t comparable but is somewhat comparable, the sociologist Peter Berger has already been quoted, showing how the supporters of tobacco prohibition were successful in transforming their particular interest into a triumphant cause: Blind faith, said Berger, supported by good lawyers seeking financial reparations, overturn mountains and always triumph over the majority. The fight against global warming, which the majority of Americans are skeptical of, is organized on the same model (blind faith + a legal argument + pseudo-science) as the fight against tobacco. By pseudo-science I mean the incurred risks of second-hand smoke (unproven) or the threat that global warning puts on civilization (per Gore).

Another example of the tyranny of minorities: the battle for or against abortion. Presently, Republicans are selecting the candidate who will defeat Barack Obama. This candidate is required to declare himself or herself as pro-life for this right. The majority of Americans consider abortion to be a personal choice, regrettable or not, but it’s the organized minorities who are making it a litmus test.

That being said, best wishes to the future New York couples. Do they know what’s ahead of them? That’s another story.

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