The American Elections and the Deceptive Road

Discovering the fake and fraudulent culture from some of those who spread it reveals the government’s ethical collapse. Bush himself chooses his assistants from a small, tight circle of those who support him and his decisions, and at the same time he reflects his policy’s significant mistakes, which are impossible to ignore even to his own followers.

After the release of Scott McClellan’s controversial book, “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception”, many regained their former fearful thoughts about Bush and his strategies, which they had at the beginning of his reign (ending in 2008). Their fears are generated also due to the fact that the author of this book is the former White House Press Secretary (2003-2006).

This era witnessed the American attack on Iraq and its occupation without international endorsement, even though Washington created an alliance and tried after the appropriation to get international approval. Resolution 1483 was supplemented after Washington’s inability to obtain the United Nation’s support before the war, especially after Resolution 1441 was released in 2002. This gave Iraq a final opportunity and a final compliance chance, even though factually it was an introduction for the war, which was opposed by many of America’s allies, like Germany, France, Canada, Belgium, etc.

McClellan tried very hard to remove himself from the war and the episodes in Iraq, so he started by criticizing Bush and his administration. Many people considered that a candid betrayal to his responsibilities, and many went further by considering McClellan mentally ill, which was Bush’s administration killer reaction as well.

According to the information that was released with the book, the 40 year-old McClellan had worked loyally with his president and with a Florida-governing team in the past. He never complained or criticized Bush’s administration; especially that it faced significant attacks by 2003.

McClellan showed a few facts that have become well-known by now: The war on Iraq is anything but honest, especially regarding the mass destruction weapons that Iraq was accused of owning by Washington. Also, the accusations of relations with Al-Qaeda and international terrorism, which were denied later.

Discovering the fake and fraudulent culture from some of those who spread it reveals the government’s ethical collapse. Bush himself chooses his assistants from a small, tight circle of those who support him and his decisions, and at the same time he reflects his the significant mistakes of his policies, which are impossible to ignore even to his own followers, and that are evident by the number of people that placed their resignation from his administration.

Hopefully the reader remembers McClellan’s father, the famous Texas lawyer Barr McClellan, and his book “Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK.” McClellan justifies his continued loyalty to Bush and his disregard to all of his mistakes throughout all that time through the fact that he believed in him and trusted his honesty and sound decisions, but all of these hopes are gone with the wind, according to him.

The release of Scott McClellan’s book at this time had its negative consequences on McCain, especially after Bush’s popularity hit rock bottom, a point no other American president has reached. 54 congressmen believ that Bush should be impeached, but because of the congress’s fear of Cheney becoming the replacement, especially the fact that he is the more merciless eagle and the God father of Bush’s policies, particularly in regards to the war, they disregarded the idea. However, they do know about Bush’s deceptive ways and the adventures he led that shook America’s reputation significantly and affected it badly.

If McCain appears to be not very supportive of Bush’s policies and way of doing things, regarding Iraq and Iran, through the fact that h has said that everything was looked at correctly, but things should have been done differently, McClellan’s book “Culture of Deception” might lead to McCain changing some of his statements. Especially regarding foreign policy and in facing his Democratic competitor, Barrack Obama.

-An Arab Writer and Analyst

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