The End of the American Dream

The current collapse of the global markets is an inevitable end of the adoption of the capitalist system, which is based on monopoly and exploitation.

Capitalism is a system based on greed and tends to promote individual ownership – which results in creation of an environment that enables the growth of corruption – despite of all the manifestations of democracy, where everybody is held accountable.

Capitalism was based on the principle of so-called “economic liberalism,” where Americans started to exclude the country from economic affairs. Ultimately the government abandoned its responsibilities, choosing to run behind the scenes, a delight of companies and major economic pressure groups.

With the collapse of Soviet Union, Americans remained in their fantasy and lost in economic liberalism, which calls for exclusion of the state from economic life, both in terms of organization, planning and oversight.

The state is the representation of all segments of the population, and its only safety valve is to put an end to the spread of phenomena such as corruption, monopoly and chaos, which often produces cases of fierce rivalry between the companies to attract consumers. That is exactly what happened in the mortgage crisis.

The problem of America is an entity in the settlement, as I said in previous articles: “America is not a home country.” This is why the American society is divided into dozens of small communities, ones that are not consistent, but sometimes conflicting. This is an allowance for the sense of “I” to become bigger, which is a stable thing for American nationality.

The American experience is based on brutal conflict with the Indians, then on the conflicts between gangs and individuals, without the existence of any deterrent, as documented by American cowboy movies until everything turned into civil war between north and south.

The American dream is on its way to an end, thanks to the selfishness that produced violence, and then chaos.

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