U.S. Master of Business Administration Ridiculed

Under the impact of economic depression and financial turmoil, the MBA, the Master of Business Administration, once a popular degree, is now ridiculed as “More Bitterness Ahead.” The “Time” magazine said, as the job market is in the doldrums, MBA graduates are no longer popular, and are not capable of leading the life in which they used to squander their money like dirt. They definitely face more hardship in the days ahead.

In the past, at Wall Street, an MBA graduate would earn an average of a 6-digit annual income, the envy of many of us. Many MBA-degree employees were invincible at social occasions. Some were badly spoiled, and even had extra-marital affairs. As a result, people dubbed MBA graduates as “Married But Available”.

But now, many MBA graduate employees have been laid off, or if they are still employed for the time being, they might be laid off at any time. Owing to the fact that these God’s favored ones are lacking monetary ammunition, the title of “Married But Available” has been replaced by “More Bitterness Ahead”.

“Time” magazine indicated that the MBA graduates were heatedly hunted by many companies in previous years, but in stark contrast, this year it is difficult for them to find a job. Various colleges and job consulting services acknowledged that there are fewer job vacancies this year, especially in the financial sectors. Moreover, the pay now is far less attractive.

The Rice University Business School said that the atmosphere of “uncertainty” had disseminated the whole financial sector. Consultant firms and banks are worried about their plans or dealings being defaulted. Some big firms are deliberating the next wave of layoffs. The whole job market has therefore entered into a state of “wait and see.”

The Northwest University Business School expressed that there are few companies that would hire more employees. Companies in Wall Street now keep only their current employees, and minimize new blood of new recruits. The difficulties have forced MBA students to think deeply what they truly want. Stanford University Business School said that some students are experiencing the low ebb of the cycle. At the beginning, they were stunned and startled and refused to accept reality, but finally they sank into depression.

“Time” magazine said that MBA employees were used to high salaries. But now, even the outstanding MBA graduates will have difficulties in finding a job and some of them are now facing significant pressures in life. In the wake of the economic downturn that might last for a few yeas, we anticipate that there will be more bitterness ahead for MBA graduates.

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  1. w edwards deming the quality guru that went to japan after world war II felt that the decline of america can be traced to the beginning of the MBA programs in america.

    america’s days are over but then all good things have to come to an end.

    but what was so good?

    wars for profits?

    47 million without health care.

    large prison population?

    massive crime and drug problem.

    educational quality going down the tubes.

    bitter fights between neo cons and liberals.

    we americans are in complete denial of our decline.

    we still say things like we are the best of everything in the world.

    arrogance has a heavy price to pay.

    ok forget that; americans now go shopping.

    retired college professor.

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