The United States of America and the Arrogance of Power

President George Washington (1789-1797) had a dream of an independent America, President Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) worked hard to see America free of racism and colored skin fanaticism and President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) tried to introduce America to the world as a country that remarks the beginning of a new world which has no room for colonial empires, but none of these people and many others could have thought of the shame that will come out of the United States of America.

In the aftermath of the first World War, it found itself, by multiple considerations and under countless reasons, firstly by its nature a capitalist system as it shed its its old skin to launch its sudden creeping everywhere in the world; with its richness and crowded skyscrapers cities, dashed into all corners of Earth, with a mixture of super-rich and naïveté, narrow-mindedness and appetite and lack of awareness.

America found itself stuck in the mud and drenched up to the neck in strange problems, not aware of the complexities in Africa, Southeast, Asia and the Middle East. It is probably everywhere, especially after Washington tried to Americanize the world by making the whole place just a small land regarding its interests, allowing America to act accordingly. Anyhow, it has been looking for a role to play in the world. The controversy was not on America playing a role, as no one has argued that, but America wanted this to be unstoppable or free of restrictions, also at the expense of people’s interests and rights which was the most dangerous thing. Obtaining this role will turn out into a blind force that does not know where, when or how to strike. The blind force is of a crazy nature, which put America under an illusion that the world could once again be the Roman Empire, where the whole world was governed by the will of Rome as the strongest and the greatest power.

American General Norman Schwarzkopf announced in 1989 that “To control Iraq means being ready to announce the empire” But that was only an illusion that incidents confirmed as false.

In 1963-1969, President Johnson admitted in his journals that the fatal mistake in the U.S. policy towards the Vietnam War was very serious decisions made in the absence of accurate estimates of the consequences resulting from such decisions.

Will this comment be applied to the recognition of American policy toward the Arab Zionist conflict? Perhaps the American role in the Middle East is the most dangerous, among what it is trying to do; in other words, America cannot imagine the Middle East outside its scope of control as it wants to impose Israel’s domination over the whole region, which is for many reasons were well known to every single person. America wants all the Arab countries disassembled and unable to raise their voice or even protest. After the events of September 11th, America declared the global war on terrorism where the entire world is the war field of that “holy war.” Also, George W. Bush described Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the axis of evil. Then, his speeches continued to become more arrogant and the scope of accusation widened focusing against the legitimate resistance in favor of the Zionist occupation. The American military deployment has been extended to most of the world under the pretext of long-term war preparations against terrorism, which does not know any limits, possibilities or spots in the absence of an international balance or strong deterrent morals. Out of an arrogant and boasting stance, that pushed Washington to pursue a policy of ordering other peoples, imposing its views and situations on them, which is considered a dangerous precedent in international relations.

In prosecuting the Bush administration’s conduct, one finds that its conduct outdid Nazi behavior in terms of what appeared from this administration in regards to paranoia and disdain of human rights. The damage of such policies is affecting not only Arabs but also the whole world including the United States, itself which is suffering economic, military and political crises. This made the American political writer Patrick Buchanan predict the falling of the American Empire in his book “Churchill, Hitler and “the Unnecessary War” which, in light of the big mistakes committed by the Bush administration, would inevitably lead to the fall of the United States. In his second book, “Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology and Greed Are Tearing America Apart,” Buchanan warns Americans of the dark future that is expected to their country if things continue the same way. According to the author, America is on the verge of disintegration and collapse, and on the brink of a fierce crisis which will end up with the country being dismantled into various disparate ethnic groups. It will be torn apart and collapse because of external forces that work to achieve this goal through the erosion of the United States through decreasing its sovereignty and independence, then taking out its economic superiority.

These are not vigilance dreams or hallucinations, as the disassembling mentioned above is touching along very sensitive lines in the American society, such as race, ethnicity, culture, social class and illegal immigrants. The author urges that if America does not face the situation urgently to stop current discord in American society, it is unlikely, during the coming two or three decades, that a Balkanization is to occur in America. The author calls on Americans to understand the idea that their country is not the only international power in the world, and also calls America to refrain from playing a global policeman in the presence of other rising powers such as China and Russia.

Is it time to say enough is enough. After all what is mentioned towards those heads that are filled with an arrogance of a brutal force. To think of a way that enable the world to get rid of wars, destruction and murder!!.

A question that needs to be answered by the administration of Barrack Obama, which will take over its responsibilities in a few weeks.

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