Laura Bush: Shoe Throwing was Insulting but My Husband is a Real Athlete

In her first announcement since the incident of throwing shoes at the U.S. President George Bush in a press conference in Iraq, First Lady Laura Bush said that the incident was offensive. However, she expressed admiration of her husband by saying his athletic skills helped him avoid the shoes.

In an interview on the Fox News channel, Laura Bush said that she felt offended by the assault on her husband in a press conference in Iraq.

But she considered throwing the shoes on her husband an indication of more freedom for Iraqis compared to the past, emphasizing what the U.S. President said.

She said “I know that if Saddam Hussein had been there the man wouldn’t have been released, and he probably would’ve been executed,” referring to Iraqi journalist Muntathar Al-Zaidi, who threw his shoes at George Bush in Baghdad.

Laura Bush made a great compliment saying that her husband proved he is a great athlete when he avoided the shoes. Al-Zaidi was arrested and will face an Iraqi court.

Al-Zaidi, who worked as a journalist for the Al-Baghdadia channel, threw his shoes at George Bush in a press conference with Nouri Al-Maliki on Dec. 14. He called George Bush a dog. Al-Zaidi also said that the shoe is the goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people to George Bush, whose presidency will end on Jan. 20.

George Bush said in the first press conference after the incident that he didn’t feel insult from a shoe thrown at him, adding that it represented free society.

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