Where are America and Europe?

Biased statements in favor of Israel were made by U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday afternoon concerning the Israeli aggression in Gaza saying that what is required is “a ceasefire that would not allow Hamas to launch rockets from Gaza.” Such statements ignore the horrific Israeli bombardment on civilians in the Gaza Strip; they ignore the massacre committed by American weapons that so far have claimed over 430 lives and injured 2,500 more, hundreds of which are children, women and elderly. They further ignore the massive destruction inflicted by Israel on the Palestinian institutions, facilities, infrastructures, and houses which is not considered a strike against Hamas only but against all the Palestinians.

What Rice wants, which was also expressed by the American and British representatives in the Security Council two days ago, is to frustrate any attempt by the international community to condemn the Israeli aggression, which would buy Israel more time to continue its aggression, similar to what happened at the beginning of the Israeli aggression against Lebanon in 2006. By doing this, they (Rice and U.S. representatives) show the Arabs, Muslims, and the free people in the world that human rights, international law, and international legitimacy mean nothing to them, and that the blood of the Palestinian children, who are being shredded by the American smart missiles dropped from American airplanes by Israeli hands, also mean nothing to those who always brag about freedom, justice, and human rights.

Rice and some European officials also ignore the unjust blockade Israel has been imposing on the Gaza Strip and the restrictions on the freedom of movement in the West Bank. They are also ignoring the Israeli illegitimate occupation. Therefore, their stances lack credibility and express the ugly double standards the American- European policies are practicing against international legitimacy.

We are not exaggerating if we say that this level of moral degradation that policy-makers in some Western capitals have reached (while dazzling us by slogans of democracy and human rights) is a mark of disgrace on the forehead of the history of mankind in the 21st century. One would suppose that all humanity would fight against all forms of massacres and occupation and would work to promote the peace, security, and prosperity of all nations.

Palestinians have been waiting for the promises of America, Bush, and Rice for many years now, so what happened? the Palestinian state was not established and the occupation didn’t end; on the contrary, Israel has strengthened its occupation and settlement, blew the peace process, and imposed more oppression and suffering on the Palestinians who expressed their desire to reach peace and a fair solution for their cause.

And today, the Palestinians, their leadership and national authority and sole representative the “Palestine Liberation Organization,” along with their forces and national and Islamic factions do not need advice and lessons from those responsible for Palestine historic tragedy. The message of the Palestinians is clear: we hold on to our legitimate rights including rejecting the illegitimate occupation and resisting it. The peace Rice and other European officials want means waiting forever; it also means giving Israel additional time to build more settlements, turn Jerusalem into a Jewish capital, and kill and destroy the Palestinians just like what’s happening now in Gaza and what happened before in the West Bank.

That’s why we say that the real bet should be always on our great people who proved with their overwhelming demonstrations yesterday, in Palestine and abroad, that they are united and holding on to their rights and goals; the real bet should be on this great nation from the Ocean to the Gulf that denounced this aggression on Gaza and donated millions to support the Palestinians.

This is one way to answer Rice and other European officials; this is the reply to the international hypocrisy and to all those who are seeing the Palestinian children being killed by American weapons and Israeli hands without moving a muscle.

The besieged Palestinians whose rights are confiscated and lands occupied have nothing to lose. The Western and American promises were deceiving and in vain; all the efforts to establish a just peace were frustrated by Israel with an American support, European cover, and official Arab weakness.

It’s time for Rice and other U.S and European officials to understand that the Palestinian people do not need America, Israel, or Europe, and that they will fight for their freedom and rights; the rights that Israel denies the Palestinians with American support and European silence.

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1 Comment

  1. In this corner the Israeli…

    Biased, horrific, bombardment, aggression, ignore, massacre, massive destruction, frustrate, blood, shredded, brag, unjust, imposing, illegitimate, ugly double standards, moral degradation, disgrace, imposed, more oppression and suffering, kill and destroy, hypocrisy, deceiving and in vain

    And in this one the Palestinian…

    desire to reach peace, fair solution, historic tragedy, legitimate rights, great people, united and holding on to their rights and goals,great nation, besieged, rights are confiscated, lands occupied, fight for their freedom and rights

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