Is There Not a Way Out?

To start, Hamas and most of the Arab countries are faulted by their insistence to separate out the moderate Palestinian and Arab parties. These moderates will listen to Israeli and American views in order to claim that Washington alone can reach a settlement without fighting Israel. The other party is that of Islamists, or extremists backed by Hamas and Hezbollah and countries such as Iran. These extremists only play to the tune of armed struggle in order to contain all the usurped lands of Palestine.

However, the current Arab situation says that there would be no realization behind any reconciliation between the Arabs and Israel if the Palestinians persisted upon an ideological and geographic dispute, isolating Gaza from West Bank. Or the Arab’s continued inability to unite and make use of their enormous capabilities, at the very least in order to find a straight, safe line for the settlements efforts that involve Israel’s withdrawal from Al Golan and the rest of Lebanese territories, and recognizing the Palestinian state.

I, for one, think that procrastination between negotiating parties and resistance does not put the Israelis under the obligations of a just settlement. Besides, the sheer dependence on the American role and deeming it a counterpart of impact in solving the Arab-Israeli conflict is nothing other than a mirage we ran after for more than 30 years without succeeding to stop settling activities or overstepping more Arab lands. I also believe that “resistance“ should not be restricted to launching rockets and armed practices. We need to gather behind one united Arab attitude so as not to allow anyone to bargain on the any Arab rights. Still, the brave justified disagreement with U.S., which more often than not takes sides with Israel, and does not mean the end of the world. The momentous changes the world witnessed forced it to sympathize with Palestine more widely and unveil the ugly face of Nazi Zionism, which ruthlessly and savagely attacked Gaza to reap more hatred and violence that would grow stouter with many generations to come.

Besides, Israel managed not to stop the rockets of Hamas and Al Jihad from reaching the Israeli towns and cities, in spite of all the havoc it wrecked in the Gaza Strip because this is something more likely to be achieved by negotiations. Finally, and evidently, the angry repercussions all over the four corners of the globe drew the U.S. attention to the fact that sheer impartiality with Israel would feed its hate and opposition. And this is indeed one of the reasons behind the change that made Obama a president and doomed his policies to oblivion.

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