Bush Refuses to Acknowledge His Crimes

President Bush delivered a farewell speech to America after winding up eight years that witnessed a number of unique events not seen before in American history. In a tradition for American presidents since the first, George Washington, Bush delivered a farewell speech, which mentioned that in four days the world would witness the vitality of American democracy when Barack Obama takes the constitutional oath as the president of the United States in a historical precedent, asserting that it reflects the enduring promise of this land.

Bush expressed his gratitude to his vice-president, Dick Cheney, his wife Laura, his daughters Jenna and Barbara, his father George, the previous president, and his mother, Barbara Bush, as well as the American people. His rule ended after the decline of his popularity to a level not reached by an American president since Richard Nixon; at the end of his term his approval rating did not exceed 34% after it peaked at 90% after the 9/11 attacks.

In his speech, Bush brought up memories of the 9/11 attacks in which nearly 3,000 people of different nationalities were killed. He emphasized that he receives intelligence reports every day, which indicate the existence of threats lying in wait for the country, increasing his persistence to do everything possible to protect the security of the country. Bush enumerated his accomplishments concerning the security of the country, including the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, the reformation of the federal intelligence and investigative apparatus, the control of terrorist movements and the freezing of their assets. He also pointed to the cooperation with allies in battling the terrorists. He said that Afghanistan was relinquished from the grip of the Taliban, which harbored Al-Qaeda, into a young democracy fighting terrorism and encouraging the education of young girls. He added that Iraq was transformed from a brutal dictatorship and a dogged enemy of the U.S. into an Arab democracy in the heart of the Middle East and a friend to Washington.

Bush believes the battles that American forces embarked upon are part of a larger conflict between two completely different ruling systems; one of them is the extremists which strive for complete submissiveness to the notion of repression, slavery of women, and rule with a doctrine of murder. The other is based on the belief that freedom is a universal gift from God and that freedom and justice are the lights which illuminate the path to peace.

Bush went on to highlight his achievements in the fields of education reform, health care, tax cuts, faith based initiatives, his long-standing regard for the troops, various improvements in air and water quality, and his appointments of superior court justices. Likewise, he pointed out the measures he adopted without delay to face the financial crisis which shook a number of large financial institutions, confirming the ability of Americans to revive their economy and to steer the world economy.

Bush acknowledged that he was not infallible, “Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance.” He said he placed the welfare of the nation above everything and that he always did what his conscience dictated and what he believed was right. He also said “you may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.” Bush also anticipated the coming of increasingly difficult decisions for the nation, pointing out a number of principles which should shape the path of the country. He added that despite the fact that the U.S. has become safer than it was seven years ago, the largest danger remains the threat of another terrorist attack and he warned that the enemies of the nation are characterized by patience.

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1 Comment

  1. he cannot admit to his war crimes as he wants history to be rewritten in his favor.

    why admit to them he knows that congress will do nothing for his war crimes.

    it is a good old boys club in wash with the demos being spineless and the repubs wanting wars for profits to line their pockets.

    few in the world understand wash dc and its mode of operation.

    few in america understand wash dc and its mode of operation. americans just whine about wash and continue to elect their local congress person term after term and hate congress as an institution but love their congress person.

    and so it goes until the consitution is rewritten but americans treat their consitution as a holy document. ie bible

    major changes are needed in america’s consitution but few in america are willing to take the leap.

    the decline of a country continues but there is always hope.

    hope without changing the consitution is blind faith in a document that no longer works.

    example of changes needed: term limits for congress.

    bush will not be charged with war crimes. spineless congress and europe wont do it as they want to sell us stuff.

    selling stuff is more important to the world than punishing those that have committed war crimes.

    give credit where credit is due americans love to buy stuff.

    got to go I have to buy a new large screen tv for the super bowel. 🙂

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