Obama Confuses Muslims

Obama again realized one of his election promises – he went to Egypt to talk to the Muslim world. He has given America a new nature. His presence in the White House makes the Easterners feel good.

I expected that the conciliatory words of Obama towards the Muslim world, and especially Iran, would soften up the Iranian authorities against America. But it worked just the opposite: their reaction was even harder than during the reign of Bush.

I’ve discovered something: Bush could not inspire the Muslims. They saw in him a false American leader, and his attack in Iraq and the crimes at the prison of Abu Ghraib legitimized their hatred.

Obama confused the Muslims. He went to Egypt and said to the Muslim world: “I have brought the greetings of the Muslims of America: As-Salamu Alaykum.” And he promised a new beginning.

Those words did scare some because they are so fresh and strong, but at the same time they are dangerous. It seemed that these were almost forbidden words. Why were the greetings from only the Muslims in America? And the rest of Americans? Did they not greet the Muslims?

Obama introduced himself as very vulnerable. His speech was a relief for millions of Muslims, but I also heard other sounds: “He can not. They will not let him in America. He doesn’t get it.”

As far as I know, and as far as I have read, I understand the following from the Eastern world: “Obama is a remarkable man, but the crimes that America has committed in recent decades in the Middle East cannot be removed with an ‘As-Salamu Alaykum.’”

He is a unique man, but he does not know America – he is in too deep. If you are close to a rock, you cannot see the mountain anymore. Obama has not seen America from a distance, so he does not understand this mountain.

In these words lies loving concern. They love Obama, but they are afraid that he will burn himself when he gets too close to the people in the East. Obama must have a miracle in order to start over with the Muslim world.

In Egypt, the U.S. president addressed the world of Muslims. Be advised that Muslims from different countries have nothing to do with each other. They hardly know each other. Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Iran. In the past 800 years, virtually no Saudi Arabs have made a trip to Iran. Islam in Egypt is completely different than that of Pakistan. Islam in Morocco has nothing to do with that of China.

But there are three things that connect Muslims around the world: Allah, the Koran and Palestine. Obama needs the magic rod of Moses and the divine power of Jesus to bring to life a sovereign Palestine.

The Muslims had tears in their eyes when he spoke to them from Egypt, but the dominant feeling was: “Obama does not know Israel yet.” Perhaps they fear that Obama will break his head if he turns up the volume against Israel any further. And so, Obama moves.

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