Cuba Acknowledges Obama

Straying from its promise to begin a new era of relations within the region, the Obama administration continues to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in support of “subversion” in Cuba and for operations against the progressive countries of Latin America, the official Cuban newspaper Granma said yesterday.

“There is an imperial offensive against progressive Latin America that is intensifying in these moments towards the countries of ALBA,” Granma said, referring to the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, an organization created in 2004 by Cuba and Venezuela, and which also consists of Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Honduras.

In Cuba, “not only have the annexationist investments from Washington not decreased, but they have grown and worsened through new technologies and new means,” declared the Venezuelan investigator, Eva Golinger.

According to Golinger, the Obama administration “keeps trying to destabilize the Cuban revolution” through its Agency for International Development (USAID), whose “principal” source of finance is the U.S. State Department’s “Economic Support Fund.”

Golinger states that this fund “has contributed 65.3 million dollars to the so-called transition towards democracy in Cuba during the last two years” and by “2010 they will have allotted 20 million additional dollars.”

The newspaper, affiliated with the Communist Party, emphasized that “in spite of their promises, change of administration or not, Washington squanders hundreds of millions of dollars of the taxpayer’s money annually in this dirty war against Latin America.”

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