Happy First Year, President Obama!

Last year, on November 4, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama claimed a historical victory in the American presidential race. And on January 20, 2009, he was inaugurated as the first African American ever to reside in the White House.

So, on the happy occasion of his first year in office, we may suggest that Obama, during this short time, successfully attained what many previous American presidents failed to do throughout the long years of their rule. Here we can cite Obama’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize as the most momentous of his achievements, even if everyone, individually and jointly, agrees that such a prize was only for good will, maybe for talk, rather than for peace!

To add another achievement to this unexpected prize, we will not have any trouble, with the exception of the slow growth of the American economy. At least there are some indications of an economic revival after the worst universal financial crisis ever. There is something unique about Obama. He stands as a different example of a U.S president when he addresses all people, using language of respect and willingness to co-exist.

But Obama is still dragging foot when handling some chief challenging files. For example, he promised to close down the ill-famed Guantanamo bay detention camp this past January. Yet, he seemingly went back on that promise. He vowed to win the battle against terror in Afghanistan but nothing happened, save that the Taliban’s resistance increased and stepped up the American forces’ death toll there. Obama also said he will help launch a Middle East peace process, which is to be crowned by the declaration of the Palestinian state. However, negotiations are now stumbling, as his administration always resolves to push Israel to halt its settling practices before sitting at a negotiations table and has knelt before Israeli pressure. Obama claimed he will solve the Iranian nuclear row via negotiations, but, ironically, he has not managed to do anything so far except participate in a few fruitless dialogues.

Regardless, Obama was successful in propagating America abroad. And, after Americans used to ask themselves the pressing question of ”why do others hate us?” during Bush’s two terms, they can now wonder, ”why do others like us? And what makes us deserve this favor?”

Actually, no one would deny that Obama has altered America’s image internationally. But will this new image depend only on Obama’s unfulfilled promises, or is he going to produce actions in line with his flowery words?

Happy first year, President Obama!

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