Gay Chinese-American Gets Elected Mayor

Edited by Harley Jackson

The Campbell City Council in Southern California recently and unanimously appointed Evan Low, a fifth-generation Chinese-American, as mayor. News that Low was elected mayor has caused a sensation in America for two reasons: first, he is only 26 years-old, making him the youngest person of Chinese descent to be elected mayor in the U.S.; and second, he is openly gay.

Evan Low was 21 years-old when he decided to run for town counselor but lost by a 1% margin of votes. He ran again for office two years later, and this time was victorious, thus becoming Campbell City’s youngest city counselor ever. Last year he was elected deputy mayor, and this year he has climbed up to the next level.

Over 70% of Campbell City’s elected officials are white and conservative, so it is no wonder that the election of a young, gay Chinese-American has seized attention. Last week, the New York State Government rejected a proposal to legalize gay marriage. Out of 50 states, only 5 acknowledge same-sex unions. Compared to Europe, the self-proclaimed enlightened U.S. lags by quite a bit. It is therefore no surprise that Low’s win in the mayoral election has caused many Americans to see Campbell City in a new light.

To identify as both Chinese-American and gay can only have been difficult and unrewarding for Evan Low in American society. Moreover, he is young and has an air of sensitivity that makes him look like a high school student compared to other Americans. However, he struggled against the current, put his neck on the line, and showed everyone he was capable, which was nothing short of outstanding. No wonder he made so many waves in American society.

To be of Chinese descent or gay, particularly the latter, means to be disadvantaged in American society. Many Americans still view Chinese-Americans as outsiders. Although the Constitution guarantees equality for all, and does not discriminate against anyone, there are still many Americans who define their friends and enemies in terms of race. It goes without saying that this also applies to homosexuality. More than half of Americans either openly discriminate against gays or say that homosexuality is a problem; however, politically, gay men and women are still not widely accepted as leaders. Generally speaking, many Americans still cannot break away from a hegemonic and conceited cultural attitude towards people of Asian descent and homosexuals.

There are great similarities between the past Chinese-Americans and the present status of homosexuals. They have been declared second class by American society while being the target of domination, described as stupid and disgraceful, and seen as a threat to civilization. The courts did not even allow Chinese-Americans to serve as witnesses, since their testimony was not to be trusted. While much of the ignorance originating in white supremacy and directed at Chinese-Americans has been rectified, the logic of discrimination inherent in much of the discussion surrounding homosexuality is still alive and well.

Low’s election to the position of mayor has far-reaching political implications. His openness about his sexual orientation and his participation in politics has basically challenged the silence that has been imposed on the subject of homosexuality. In other words, he is striking back against the hegemony of heterosexuality from the standpoint of one whose life, as a Chinese-American gay, has been distorted and denied.

In many societies, most gays do not dare acknowledge their sexual orientation. Even though homosexuality exists everywhere, many people would not even know if their next of kin was gay. Low could have been like many gay political figures, refusing to acknowledge his own homosexuality or feigning heterosexuality. However, he has not done this; instead, he has openly declared his sexual orientation. This is not only a call to freedom but a demonstration of the will power of someone who refuses to escape or to internalize a consciousness of an inferior status attributed to him by society.

The reason why human society is able to continue to progress is precisely because there are people like Evan Low, who take it upon themselves to challenge society’s biases, to commit their energy to ideals, and to live their lives unconditionally and fully! Just like Martin Luther King Jr., they loathe compromise and agents of cowardice.

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