Another Carter or Kennedy?!

Sometimes we mingle between a colorful picture and hollow reality. Most people wholeheartedly wish that reality was beautified by spellbinding colors, but the wild world of politics is disguised and, more often than not, falsely pretty!

Perhaps the most controversial political character at this time is American President Barack Obama. A year into his term, many people cannot easily describe or judge him, and strangely enough, some would dub him another Kennedy or Carter.

Who is closer to Obama?

Most likely, it will be imprudent to give a definite answer. Away from the ebbing “Obamania,” the man’s stocks are not as great as his fascinating rhetoric. However, one has to wonder to what extent do Americans practice real openness? Is the cry of American Congressman Paul Findley, “who dares to speak out,” still there, defying his opponents? The answer is “yes.”

Now we see former American President Jimmy Carter making apologies to Jews and performing a Yom Kippur prayer for forgiveness. In his open letter, Carter regretted any words or deeds that may have irritated the Jewish community. In the same tone, he said that Americans should not tolerate any criticism that may mar Israel, even if it was for the sake of reform.‏‏

Things are no different with the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who apparently does not have the nerve to talk. Some would claim that Obama has spoken assertively and slammed Israel. In fact, he has yet to stand in the face of the storm, something that could not possibly be done by colorful people like Carter. This leaves strong suspicions regarding Obama himself.‏

So, are we overburdening Obama? We certainly are not. It was he who created the “Obamism” that ushered him into the White House. His charisma was stout enough to stir feelings and notions. Now, though, the time to make good on his promises is up. Fanatics of Obama do wonder about his unaccomplished deeds — they encountered the realities of politics and were not satisfied by the lack of results.

The gap between vows and capability of achievement is often wide. Regrettably, voters were the ones who made Obama a president, verifying his slogan “Yes We Can,” but their hero proved that he “cannot.” Israel is still turning a deaf ear to peace reconciliations and to giving back all the territories it usurped. Muslim Americans are still feeling the reverberations of the negative images assigned to them. Most likely, the story will show that America has another Carter!

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