An Interesting Claim About the Haitian Earthquake

A rumor was going around that America’s secret weapons of destruction caused the earthquake that struck Turkey on August 17, 1999. After 11 years, this time, Venezuelan President Chavez claimed that America was behind the earthquake that hit Haiti. Chavez blamed the United States for testing out secret weapons and caused the earthquake in order to occupy Haiti.

After the August 17 earthquake, a lot of rumors were going around in Turkey that the earthquake was caused by America while they were testing their weapons of destruction. These rumors came back again after the earthquake that struck Haiti, and this time the person that brought the rumors back to life was a president. After the 7.o Richter scale earthquake that killed about 200,000 people in Haiti, the United States sent in troops, and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claimed that the United States was trying to occupy Haiti. This time, Hugo Chavez is claiming that the earthquake happened because America was testing out a secret weapon. Chavez is known for making absurd claims, and when he was having an interview with the Spanish ABC channel, he stated that the American army was testing out a weapon near Haiti that can cause the earth’s structure to move, so the result of this testing was the earthquake. Chavez also stated that “the earthquake happened because America is testing out an earthquake machine. America is testing out this machine near the Caribbean. America’s real target is Iran; they are testing this weapon to use it against Iran.”

Is the Tesla Machine the Reason?

After the August 17 earthquake, some conspiracy theorist claimed that the “Tesla machine” caused the earthquake in Turkey. The Tesla machine was created by Nikolas Tesla around the 1900s and conspiracy theorists claimed that the United States improved the machine in order to use electromagnetic waves to release the energy that is underneath the earth’s crust. One theory stated that “the American army tested out the Tesla machine to release the pressure at the faults by causing small earthquakes to prevent a massive earthquake that could strike the United States. They first tested out this machine in 1999 in Turkey. This machine can be used as a weapon as well.”

God Please Help Us!

It has been weeks since the Haiti earthquake, and aid still has not reached the people. The help is not reaching the people because of security issues. U.N. soldiers are being attacked when they try to give out the necessary survival supplies. Soldiers even started firing warning shots to control the crowd. In the capital city of Haiti, the Notre Dame de I’Assomption Cathedral had its most crowded day on Sunday. 2,500 Haitians rushed to Sunday prayers to pray to God for help.

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