从美苏争霸、美国独霸世界到美国霸权减弱,我们应该吸取他们的经验教训。首先,我们不要像苏联那样去和美国争霸。两强相争不是两败俱伤,就是一死一伤,胜者即使一时称快,内伤只有自己承受。第二就是要极端重视人才。第三就是要保持忧患意识和坚持艰苦奋斗精神。 (作者为旅美学者)
The problem with the U.S. economy is simply greed. We placed restrictions on industry in the U.S. that, although logical and reasonable, like not dumping your chemical effluence directly into the rivers, still cost a company money…it is also very expensive to live in the U.S., and so companies had to pay higher prices for labor. This caused a loss of profits to investors in these companies, and made it very difficult to compete on a worldwide basis. Those we have dubbed “neo-cons” sought to override these non-profitable factors, and so infested our government, placing those that would “play ball” in power, by utilizing media propaganda & political donations. They were successful. We now have virtually no tariffs on goods coming into the country, and our companies have moved to locations around the world where labor is much cheaper, and polluting the countryside is acceptable, to the properly bribed officials.
You contend we have not kept up with our science & mathematics training in our schools, and lag behind other countries in our colleges. This is true, but you are confusing cause & effect. There is no reason to go into half a lifetime of debt to become an engineer, if there are no engineering jobs available…even our military industrial complex uses components built overseas, so the pool of available jobs in these fields is very small. It is much more logical to go into business, as it at least gives you a chance “network” your way into a half-decent career, using a lot of “ego-stroking” & insincere platitudes to the higher-ups.
Yes, the U.S. finds itself in a situation that is not sustainable, and has resulted in the downfall of every country in history that has tried to survive by being a nation of “shopkeepers”, instead of a nation that creates & builds. But it was not the disparity in consumer production vs. military production that did this to us…it was the rot from within our own government, and those that sold out the country’s best interests, in favor of uncountable dollars in their own bank accounts…this is what has crippled us, just as these types of people have brought down strong countries throughout history.