Regarding the “Shocked” Obama

The tragedy against the activists that occurred a few days ago in international waters — against the flotilla that brought humanitarian aid to the Palestinians enclosed in Gaza by the Jewish state erected on the land of the Palestinians — manifests the hypocrisy and the cynicism of the global organizations that pretend to represent the sentiment and the interests of the people by being just and humanitarian. Of course, its not only these organizations that play games with empty words in bombastic declarations without correspondence, reality or its controlling practices until now by the imperial policy of the United States. Readers: pardon me, but I want to remind you about the incident a few months ago in Iran before continuing on about these terrible crimes committed by the Jews.

In the recent past, when the disturbances in Iran occurred between the supporters and the opponents of the Iranian government, the shocked attitude of Mr. Obama caught my attention. It is as if this man had awoken from a long sleep — like bears and other species do upon the arrival of spring — or that he had been living on another planet. It has been found that things don’t appeal to him perhaps partially due to his sentimental character, or perhaps he woke up to the reality of the pressure of the imperialist policies of his country — above all, of the very strong Jewish lobbying in the U.S. that sees in the Iranian situation a struggle between two factions: those who are supporting the national and international independent policy of the Ahmadinejad government, and those who search for a closeness with the U.S. and the economic system of Western individual capitalism, which in Iran is directed mostly by “state capitalism.”

Besides, in this expanding world, the need to regroup by regions in order to solidify economic system states and construct super-nations (like the European Union that I designate as Multinational States), Iran for its technological development and its economy is a strong candidate in a state of this type.

What is certain is that the current Iranian situation does not correspond entirely to the Marxist concept of “class struggle.” There is something to this, because it is impossible for different professions or social classes inside of a system to have the same privileges — politicians and economists alike. The Iranian upper class that has strong economic investments — those privileged by their high professional preparation — own businesses. Other similar individuals, although not all, are against the current government. A great number of them in the past were the political supports of the Shah Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi. Pahlavi, along with Israel, was one of the primary allies of the U.S. in the Middle East, whose government was deposed by the Iranian Revolution on Feb. 11, 1979.

In Iran’s current policy, there is a confrontation not only inside the brand of religious ideology and religious freedom, but a class confrontation that also exists indirectly, better specified this way: a confrontation between social groups attached to economic power. Policy exists where social groups or classes struggle for their fundamental economic interests that manifest themselves in social practices like in peaceful or violent confrontations. Policy is the struggle that is seen in every manifestation in the streets or other places. It is impossible to separate the policy of economic goals. They are united with space and time. For this reason and no other, Lenin sustained that policy is the reassembled expression of economy.

In this confrontation, what is apparent are the reforms of religious and social freedoms. The political struggle is reflected in this way. But basically, that is not the essence of the struggle — rather, what exists is a power struggle. The “reformists,” in order to draw close to the U.S., the EU and the neoliberal capitalistic model (through the support of these states) and those that intend to maintain independence from these centers of power to solidify their economic model of “state capitalism.” In this confrontation, the voice of the “shocked” Obama appears to advertise to the Iranians and to the world that in every manner, the U.S. is the guiding power of the world and therefore no one can have deaf ears to its declarations. Mr. “Shocked” wants to give direct support to the reformists to bring back the control that Iran allowed in 1979.

President Obama was “shocked” by the human loss in the violent confrontation that occurred in the streets of Tehran and in other Iranian cities among the supporters of the government and its enemies. These losses in human life don’t amount to more than thirty. By this, I don’t mean to say that these acts are not lamentable: all loss of life brings suffering not only to those that die, but also directly to the families. Life is unique and one cannot return from death. This is perhaps the worst tragedy that can happen to us. Months earlier, when Mr. “Shocked” had been elected to his post of president, the lamentable acts occurred in Gaza where the state of Israel unleashed all its hate and fury against the Palestinian population, leaving behind 1,400 deaths (among them many children, women and elderly) and many thousands injured. Consider the premeditated destruction of important public buildings like schools, hospitals and businesses, without which Mr. “Shocked” might have been capable to be shocked like any person would be with a minimum level of emotional intelligence of the terrible crimes committed by that ally state of the U.S.

The gentle and submissive attitude of the United Nations toward the U.S. is already ancient. During the last 50 years of the century, this organization became an appendix to the Empire that was solidifying itself thanks to the overthrow of fascism in Europe and Asia. Nobody could imagine that this state that declared itself in all the media as the defender of human freedom of universal justice and human rights might be precisely the opposite of this declared policy in every way. But reality has been the contrary of what many believed would happen: the defender of justice, liberty and people became crazy in its opposition. All this to satisfy the appetites for power and world domination of the American capitalists and their associates. It is useless to search for other explanations that might seem more rational. If we dig a little more, we see the hands of International Judaism defending its economic interests and its global policy.

Sometimes I ask myself the reasons that exist in order for minor states, victims of power of the great and powerful states, to continue associating with an organization that above all has less democracy and justice. I am referring to the United Nations, united under the interests of the American imperialist. Don’t you believe, dear readers, that it is time that the small and medium states withdraw from this deformed sick monster that does not defend the interest of the majority of the people, but rather the minority, to form a more healthy and just organization? How is it possible that it is acceptable that no more than five countries decide what this U.N. demands and carries out in the rest of the world? Then what is democracy?

And now felonious acts occur, committed by the Jewish soldiers against civilians, who are without military protection in international waters. They sit on the rights of all individuals on this planet, with agreements “signed” by this state that never respects them and that count on the support of the Empire and other consenting states. And there he is, the “shocked” one that doesn’t dare denounce these criminal acts. He isn’t shocked and neither is the world. They have become half blind and deaf. Every time I think about Gaza I remember the Warsaw Ghetto in 1941. The Jews did exactly the same thing with the Palestinians that the Fascist Germans did to them. They learned the lesson very well and applied it to many more people and with worse violence.

Israel is the only state that has established itself on Palestinian land and has brought a policy of aggression, without consequences and without ever being effectively condemned by this organization that suffers from senility and sensory impotence. With justice being more than something written, I have called it “the new Roman senate.” They discuss, yell, show their agreement and disagreement, they declare, arrive at specific agreements and all for nothing. Israel continues committing all types of crimes sheltered from consequences, laughing at this global farce.

And here the organization of the Arab countries comes to mind that also suffers from senile impotence. Surely, they are going to reunite again to also make their declarations, and with this return home to rest, satisfied with having fulfilled its “conscience.” Or, better said, its lack of conscience. All in all, for them it’s about a people from Palestine condemned to disappear in that whirlpool that began in 1948 protected by England and other Western powers.

Perhaps, if it were about some other small country they would also go home tired of discussing methods that are useless, except for continuing to deceive their people feigning something that they are far from being.

Behind all these crimes, it is the global policy of Israel to strangle the possibility for the Palestinians to have a true state. This global policy has consciously continued the strategy of ceding very insignificant things that are only declarations without practical results in order to gain time while in reality the appropriation of more territory is advanced, displacing the Palestinians little by little from their ancestral lands as they did many centuries ago with the Canaanites and the Philistines, the latter the true ancestors of the Palestinian people.

The policy adopted by Fatah to employ diplomacy instead of direct action has been, until now, a true failure. It has been waiting for the Jews to desire peace in a territory shared by the two states, but this is not among the goals of the Israeli government regardless whether they are from the right or the left. The worst thing of all is that Fatah has turned itself in with tied hands to the Empire that has never been shocked by the crimes committed by this immune state and protected by many Western states that demonstrate their “preoccupation” for these acts but that aren’t going to go beyond “preoccupations.” Nor will it even prove to be shocking. Neither will Obama, whose international policy differs very little from his predecessors in the White House.

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