1 Comment

  1. Arabs and Israeli Zionists are locked in a wrong and misleading conflict. Israeli founding father has now raised hell as more and more startling news are surfacing about the fraud the Zionist founding father played with the Hebrew God. David Ben Gurion and his Zionist colleagues seem to have had enough of a hostile God that has never been people friendly to them. So they kicked Him out at the founding ceremony and replaced him with an abstract “Rock”, the Rock of Israel. The Jewish Diasporas have suddenly waked up to this anomaly. They fear a backlash against Israel causing doom and gloom for the Israelis, especially for the half million settlers. Hold your breath for a while and wait for a catastrophe engulfing the Jewish race, probably bordering on the “Golden Calf.” debacle. Fear is that America might be sucked into this ordeal for its blatant blind support to the fraudulently created Israel as a Jewish State with everything un-Jewish about it.

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