The Third U.S. Political Force Arouses Fear in the Left Wing and the Moderate Right Wing

In 1965 Barack Obama senior published an article in the East Africa Journal called “Facing our Socialism.” The father of the current tenant of the White House, who was at the time a senior official at the Kenyan Ministry of Planning and Development (led by Tom Mboya, Obama Sr.’s career promoter), said in this text that the opposition torpedoing the implementation of the socialist system is to be blamed for the disastrous state of the Kenyan economy. Evidently inspired by his father’s way of thinking, the current U.S. president came to the conclusion that it is better to attack the opposition than to abandon his utopian ideas about repairing America.

According to a New York Times article from September 20, the White House is preparing a propaganda offensive against the tea party. The candidates of this party are to be portrayed as extremists, and the GOP party (Republicans) as a party dominated by the extreme right. The White House already hired propaganda strategists to create a negative image of the opposition. And although the president’s spokesman officially denied these statements, it is an open secret that the tea party are to be portrayed as xenophobic fools, demanding cuts in expenditure at the expense of the social benefits of the poor and unemployed.

The media propaganda associated with the American center-left is to publicize “right-wing extremists” as a bunch of rednecks, devoid of any responsibility for the state. Such propaganda aims at making voters, especially the minority, scared of “the radicals” who “want to divide America.”

The symbolic propaganda attack on the tea party was initiated by Barack Obama himself. Bombarded by an unexpected avalanche of criticism from his own supporters (during a meeting in the Newseum) Obama has skillfully directed the course of the discussion to an assessment of the tea party’s “extreme opposition.” Certainly he didn’t fully realize that in this way, he was “anointing” this party’s presence on the American political scene! A few weeks before the election, it was the tea party, rather than the moderate Republicans, who have caused anxiety in the White House. “Let’s ask what exactly do they intend to do, besides curbing public spending? By talking about savings, do they intend to lower retiree pensions or reduce spending on Medicare, or maybe on Social Security?”* distinctly asked the embittered president. Thus, the president revealed that he sees the tea party as a serious political opponent, who will soon become the third most powerful political party in the country.

So far, both the White House and the two governing parties at the Capitol treated the tea party as an interesting sociological outcome of the economic crisis. Many so-called experts on national policy recklessly categorized the “Tea Party Revolution” as a seasonal oddity that soon no one will remember. Apparently their views are no longer shared even by Obama, who at the meeting in the Newseum talked more about the tea party than the GOP opposition! “Saying that they want savings is not enough; this is not a concrete program. I’m not going to persuade anyone that everything is as it should be, but I would like to ensure that we are headed in the right direction,”* stated the president of the United States.

Obama apparently forgot the evangelical proverb that says, “He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword.” The White House’s aggressive strategy may ultimately turn against them; however, then the world-wide gap dividing the American society may not be bridged. Using a slightly exaggerated comparison of the history of Africa, the ancestral homeland of Barack Obama, it’s worth remembering what the government’s aggressive propaganda in Rwanda caused 16 years ago…

*Editor’s Note: These quotations, accurately translated, could not be verified.

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