Republican Victory: The American People’s Big Nay to Obama

The Republicans’ success in winning the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is merely a sign of popular discontent with Barack Obama’s and the Democrats’ policies, not their welcoming the Republicans.

According to Fars News Agency (FNA) report, by voting for the Republicans, the American people, who are very displeased with the current state of affairs in the country, said a big “nay” to the policies of Barack Obama and the Democrats, and this did not in any way mean they were satisfied with the Republicans.

The American people do not intend to declare their approval of the Republicans. Rather, in order to voice their displeasure with the performance of the Democrats, particularly Obama, within the country’s governing system — which is merely a system resembling democracy — they have no choice but to vote for either the Democratic Party or the GOP. At all times, the only thing that the American political leaders, of both the Democratic Party and the GOP, have presented to their people has been a mire of various troubles and crises. These are enormous problems: from worsening of the economic crisis, a large increase in the number of the unemployed, the homeless and those who have lost their homes; to social and security disasters and an increase in crime rate; and many more problems, such as high federal spending and unlawful wars throughout the world with their irreparable consequences that Influence all aspects of the people’s lives in the U.S…. These problems are not exclusive to the Democratic administrations. Rather, they were present during the Republican periods, and they had not been able to think of an answer to them either.

The American people are very displeased with the current state of their country. The American people want neither the Democrats nor the Republicans anymore. The American people are tired of this form of government. But this so-called democracy that the politicians declare to have established in the U.S. has not left the people with any other alternative. Truly, the American Democracy is the Democracy of Capitalism; one that instead of granting people the right to elect and get involved in the decision-making process of the administration, has only provided them with one option, which is electing capitalists who are puppets of the America’s capitalist system.

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