Barack Obama

The topic has been going around and around in my head for several days. That is one of the good things about trips — they leave you with a lot of time to think. So that is how I got to thinking about the motives that led the Americans to reward none other than those responsible for causing the economic crisis devastating the world.

This could happen in Europe, too. As of now, the Spanish right wing, according to surveys, is 10 points ahead of the Socialists.

The real estate bubble emerged with the complicity of George W. Bush and the Republicans. They were the ones who let the banks and Wall Street have their own way, allowing them to absorb fraud of historic proportions while selling good papers by the bundle and mortgages that were obviously impossible to pay.

After that, even the ultraliberals of The Economist asked that the state execute the bailout, with the taxpayers being the ones to foot the bill.

Some days ago the Republicans went to the polls and gave an important victory to the elephant party. But only half of the Democrats went to the polls. One has to ask oneself: why? I think the answer is because Democrats feel betrayed. They believe that Barack Obama has not done what he promised, that he has been lukewarm and that he has not defended his initial agenda.

Yes, I know that politics is the art of the possible and that Barack has been surrounded by pressure from air, land and sea. However, if he analyzes the vote, he will see that he did the best in California, the most environmentally friendly state of the union, where laws were passed that would defend the environment and limit the ability of transnational corporations to destroy the planet simply to fill a few pockets.

Thus, life gives the first black president of the U.S. the great possibility of once again igniting the hearts of the millions of young activists who made his campaign possible — who, if not remorseful, have at least lost their energy. This new opportunity is called Cancun, where, in the beginning of December, the Climate Change Conference — known as COP 16 — will unfold.

If Obama arrives at an agreement that favors the environment, committing to reduce greenhouse gasses and financially supporting the poor countries who suffer the most from this crisis, he will once again be the statesman of the future.

If, on the contrary, Copenhagen repeats itself, the Republicans will have the road to the White House paved for them. And although it is clear that a large portion of right-wing voters may have a lower I.Q. (as studies have shown), a blind loyalty unites them to their leaders. In the end, either change or be changed.

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