The Tutelage of The CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 by President Henry Truman, substituting the Office of Strategic Services to investigate without the need for judicial authorization and administrative and fiscal records.

The initial philosophy of the organization was to grant the president a second point of view elaborated by civilians, confronted with the contribution of military officials of the National Security Agency (NSA), which in code was called, “Campus.” This philosophy preceded the majority of the initial charts of Yale University, (including the data storage system, which was the same as that of the Yale library).

Until Eisenhower, the CIA was the only central intelligence organization of the United States government and was behind many assignments for training insurgents and the destabilization of governments against the politics of the Pentagon, but the finance lobby and military industry (both devoured by Jewish lobby) could not resist the temptation to create a de facto government that would manipulate the ins and outs of power, deriving in the appearance of a new entity (parallel to the CIA), refractory to public opinion and the control of Congress and the United States Senate.

President Eisenhower, one year before the end of his term in office, delivered a premonitory speech of the subsequent mutation of the initial “Campus” as being in the shadow of the government that controls the current United States democracy and all of the presidents elected democratically who are hostages: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

The disaccords of Kennedy, the CIA and the FBI: Kennedy received “a poisonous gift” from the CIA in the wrapping of the planned invasion of Cuba, elaborated by the CIA during the Eisenhower administration to overthrow Fidel Castro’s regime, which culminated in the well-known invasion of the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. President Kennedy, after approving the plan, backed off at the last minute and withdrew the promised support of aviation and the North American fleet, resulting in disgrace of the CIA in the eyes of the whole world.

The lack of political experience that Kennedy possessed is clearly illustrated through his actions of relieving Allen Dulles, the legendary director of the CIA, and furthermore, when he tried to restructure it by putting his own people in charge. Additionally, Kennedy’s political inexperience caused him to underestimate Hoover’s political climate, which led to a confrontation when Kennedy tried to substitute Hoover for Edward Kennedy as the head of the FBI. Now, if Kennedy had achieved this, and afterwards he would have nominated and placed Robert Kennedy as the attorney general, he would have ensured the enthronement of the Troika Kennedy and the kingdom of Camelot for various generations to come. However, Kennedy’s differences with the CIA resurfaced in October of 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis. The CIA saw a great opportunity to invade Cuba, but negotiations between Kruschev and Kennedy impeded such an option, and once again the CIA’s pride was hurt.

Terrific Kennedy-CIA parallel: Additionally, halfway through November of 1963, Kennedy decided to disinfect the CIA of the pathogen virus inoculated by the lobby pressure (his paradigms were the Rockefellers participating in financial lobbies and the military and Jewish industries, and that David Rockefeller would be the catalyst of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.) Aware of the difficulties of such an arduous mission, in a speech given at Columbia University on Nov. 14, Kennedy admits that “strong pressures exist from groups of power in the USA to convert the presidential post into something merely figurative.”* Therefore, on Nov. 21, 1963, the president signed the executive order 11490 that allows the president, in case of an emergency, to dispose of the government by exceptional measures, including any dictatorship.

In spite of everything, faithful to his rebellious spirit, he proceeds with his attempt to reconvert the CIA to a controllable apparatus for political power. Not too long before leaving Dallas, he commented to his intimate advisors: “We have to confront the CIA…”* and on the same day, a secret envoy initiated with Castro the first negotiations to reach an agreement. This implied that the CIA was the true holder of power in the shadows and was profoundly cystic in all of the apparatuses of power in the United States, which is why the U.S. leaders are left in the dark. They advanced the development of the endogenous plot that ordered the sudden attack against the legality of the United States democratic political system, culminating in the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas in 1963.

Said plot would be an authentic work of labyrinth-like engineering, which would have as the brainpower behind it the CIA as the necessary collaborators with anti-Castro exiles in Miami and their connections with the mafia and Hoover’s FBI. Lee Harvey Oswald would be the scapegoat and the means of distraction to deceive the bloodhounds. As collateral damage, there would be the birth of a political system protected by the new CIA, leaving thenceforth as pawns successive elected presidents until the disruption in the political scene caused by the fractious Obama.

The military coup of the new CIA with George W. Bush: From the media coverage of the attack of the Twin Towers (known as 9/11), the CIA slowly wanes. Its own agents confirmed, according to the New York Times, that it proved to be “almost impossible to give strategic information and they were consulted mainly for tactical questions.”

Nevertheless, in the cellars of “the Company,” a real virtual military coup was being concocted that would have the detonator in the traumatic attack attributed to al-Qaida, leaving enthroned the fight against the Axis of Evil (Iraq, Iran and North Korea) as the leading motif of political myopia of the ill-fated command of George W. Bush, installing incidentally Bin Laden as the icon of the Evil Empire.

Thus, Congressman Ron Paul, characterized by his verbal incontinence, addressed to his followers the following message: “There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries. And of course the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve. And yet think of the harm they have done since they were established [after] World War II. They are a government unto themselves. They’re in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators. We need to take out the CIA.”

The Machiavellian play of the new CIA: Colin Powell, Secretary of State, had recommended to his colleagues in the Bush Administration to avoid a war without the clear approval of the U.N. and was used by the CIA to serve as a prestigious military official and for his proven honesty. So in 2004, the new CIA, already legalized, took charge of supplying “intelligence informants” since it was uncertain about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, allowing it to justify the military intervention of the United States and the invasion of Iraq. It was the fishhook that swallowed all of the United States’ allies, which joined rows of a liberating army that had the declared objective of the destitution of the satanized Saddam Hussein and the real interest of controlling the vast oil resources of Iraq.

The Troika formed by Rumsfeld, Hayden and Cheney monopolizes the power of the U.S.: A little more than a month after 9/11, George W. Bush’s administration secretly annulled one of the principal protections of the constitution of this country under the justification of the war against “terrorism” within the United States, according to official documents revealed at the end of 2005 in a series of reports in the New York Times — the existence of a secret intervention program of communications within this country.

According to the investigation of the Washington Post, from 2002 the Strategic Support Branch (SSB) was established, which worked clandestinely without legal limitations and under the orders of the Secretary of Defense, Ronald Rumsfeld. In the midst of such actions would be the bloody episodes of the violation of human rights in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, as well as the installation of the “virtual military coup,” which would be the Honduras paradigm.

In June 2009, Leon Panetta, Director of the CIA, annulled the Phoenix Program, a program led by Cheney to assassinate leaders of al-Qaida, initiated in 2001 after the attacks of 9/11 and maintained in secret from the U.S. Congress and the Pentagon. It was reminiscent to ban a unity of counter-intelligence created by Rumsfeld known as Talon, including information about actions of protest against the war by United States citizens, reviving memories of the military espionage of civilians that protested the war in Vietnam.**

The pulse of Obama and the new CIA: After the significant erosion of the U.S.’ image around the world after the bloody episodes of the violation of human rights in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, one of Obama’s first decisions was to sign an executive order to demand the closing of the prison on the naval base of Guantanamo in one year.

His advisors now look for legal mechanisms to liquidate the “juristic limbo” of Guantanamo, a virtual space of the juristic engineering of the “Committee of War” (a name coded by the select group of the jurists and advisors that worked to the order of the Troika formed by Rumsfeld, Hayden and Cheney), true holders of power during the ill-fated command of George W. Bush — the reason why the announced closing will be delayed until 2011.

His political inexperience remained caught in brash acts, like Obama’s decision to declassify secret documents that involved the CIA using techniques of interrogations based on physical and psychological torture and that had him earn the dangerous enmity of the new CIA, represented by the Troika formed by Rumsfeld, Hayden and Cheney.

Nevertheless, Obama will allow the test of time to cover up the glassy theme of persecution of those responsible for legitimizing the torture, so his advisors have warned him of the foreseeable consequences that type of action could entail for the presidency (looking at the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas). This is a decision that in spite of provoking a clear deception in supporting human rights, Human Rights Watch and a series of critics of the CIA, it would be supported by 60 percent of those polled.

The labor torpedo of the new CIA: Barack Obama has parked the project for Non-Deployed Missiles (NDM), substituting it for “a new system of anti-missile defense,” but after the spectacular declaration, a Machiavellian play may be concealed that could try to convert Russia into a necessary collaborator in the safeguard of world peace and stability. They may be reaching an agreement between both parties with the ratification of the new treaty, START [Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty]. We may be present for the substitution of the unilateral geopolitical doctrine of Bush for that of multilateralism.

Nevertheless, the path will be very complicated. It should be ratified by the Russian parliament and by two-thirds (67 seats) of the U.S. Senate and in this dynamic should fit the unbelievable episode of the surprising apparition of a sleeper cell in the U.S. or embryo of Russian spies, the product of an interesting tip-off of the new CIA to manipulate the will of the senators to ratify the new START Treaty signed in April by Obama and Putin.

The tense relations between the U.S. and Karzai: President Obama arrived in Afghanistan in a surprise visit to meet with his Afghani counterpart, Hamid Karzai, to discuss corruption of the local authorities, after the evident irritation of the White House due to the continuous slights of Karzai in his politics of providing asylum to Iran, shaped by his recent visits to China and Iran, where Karzai mentioned the “multiple identity of Afghanistan as a plural society of pre-Islamic antiquity” in its attempt to escape the obliged tutelage for the North American protectorate in his strategy against the Taliban. This is why the Pentagon would have initiated the search for a substitute for Karzai so as not to rely upon him.

By means of a propaganda operation orchestrated by the new CIA, he would be accused of initiating secret conversations that would have his brother Ahmed Wali as mediator for the development of a government consisting of a Islamist coalition between Pashtuns and the Taliban (with the objective of winning in anticipated elections the democratic legitimacy in ballot boxes on the horizon in 2011, and proceeding the creation of an Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), demanding the retreat of U.S. troops and the consequent loss of presence in a country considered by the high command in the U.S. a “vital geostrategic part” in the puzzle of the Middle East.

According to all of this, the creation of a favorable atmosphere with a military coup and subsequent toppling of Karzai would not be dispensable. It would revive one of the darkest aspects of the foreign politics of Kennedy (the toppling and assassination of South Vietnamese President Diem in 1963) and the subsequent increase of military support in Vietnam, accelerating the escalation that would leave the United States on a dead-end street.

The United States and NATO have more than 121,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, a number that will increase to 150,000 in 2011, in the frame of a strategy to counterbalance the offensive of the Taliban. This is why Obama may sign in 2011 the progressive release of troops in Afghanistan — a decision that would not be shared by his Vice President Joe Biden, nor by the Pentagon — and that would, without a doubt, be approved by the new CIA to reorient the situation by means of expeditious methods and allow the U.S. to return to the paths of democracies advocated by “the Company.”

*Editor’s Note: These quotations, accurately translated, could not be verified.

**The Phoenix Program was a counterinsurgency program instituted by the CIA during the Vietnam War. The Talon program, created after the events of 9/11 to monitor anti-war demonstrators, was ended by undersecretary of defense for intelligence James R. Clapper Jr.

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