What Is the Meaning of the U.S. Containment of China?

Recently, China’s citizens have been discussing on the Internet about how the United States has almost completed its containment of China. Domestic experts and scholars are also talking about how to resolve this issue.


1. Why does the United States want to contain China?

Out of all the countries in the world, why pick China to contain? This author believes this decision is based on past experience. Actions of socialist countries in the past have called for the United States’ participation in the containment of China. In [the United States’] view, authoritarian regimes without democracy and human rights are contributing the most to world instability, because according to past experience, power without restriction will most certainly lead to power abuse. Of course [the United States] is not against the Chinese people, but rather, against the public officials who fool the public. Because of government officials’ rigid and repressive policies governed by ideological concepts, the people in these ideological shackles must observe these dimensions of fundamental inhumane actions. This is the reason behind the singling out of China for containment. Of course, it is not just the U.S., but most of the world’s countries that are in on the containment of China. Some people believe that democratic countries have a case of pink eye; they see China’s rapid economic growth and are either jealous, or it draws attention to their own domestic economic issues, but this author thinks this is not the truth…

This author believes that in essence this is not just about the containment of China; this containment of China is aimed at the shackles of authoritarian ideology that has brought the Chinese people suffering and the suppression of basic human rights.

2. China draws circles in the air

The Chinese government believes that different parties with different systems can have friendly development, but the truth is: my China does not seek democracy or human rights, and still has one center, two fundamental points, the “three represents” theory (the duty of the Communist Party to represent the productivity of an advanced society and the fundamental beliefs of its people), the four cardinal principles, Marxist-Leninist principles and Maoist ideology, and other such illusory ideologies that cause the common people to draw an enormous circle in the air and call society harmonious. We hope to peacefully coexist with external democracies and we want the world to know not to interfere with our internal affairs. China’s democracy is undemocratic when you open one eye and close the other, and the whole world is well aware of this. What is more, one can see the top-ranking domestic online posts of 2011 are about China’s restoration of the Varyag aircraft carrier and its trial runs, and how it is already combat-ready. Furthermore, photos of the Chinese J-20 stealth aircraft were leaked online, and the United States and the world were shocked… This circle drawn in the air is not small, but at least it illustrates China’s fantasy of military power, so that the United States and the world will no longer ignore China’s weapons capability. But this author thinks this is just a farce to deceive other countries.

Due to the Chinese government’s lack of political vision and their lack of deep knowledge of political democracy, this is why today the domestic government lacks credibility domestically, and in foreign affairs embattled on all fronts. If you always blindly avoid situations and divert direct confrontation of current domestic and international realities of real issues, then this will inevitably bear fruit to internal struggle and outside aggression. The country will be more difficult to manage internally, while externally, it would leave behind an image of irresponsibility to the global community…

3. Future outcomes

In fact, in confronting this containment, this author believes there will be no more than two outcomes: first, if China were to take the road toward democracy, it would give up its rigid ideology, progress through political reform and blend into the world’s current trend. The common Chinese people, the United States and the world could together share a democratic civilization and its results.

Second, continuing with China’s current political structure, regardless of reality, will make China look like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or Afghanistan under the Taliban, and will end up working against the world’s democratic trend. This will cause the world to take a confrontational stance. The result will be that China’s current political structure will be overthrown, and will have to return to the road of democracy anyway.

So this author believes that the United States should take a moment to ponder this problem via the Asian line of thinking, that is, to tell the ordinary people what the meaning of this containment is. What is containment? Is it the containment of an authoritarian regime? Is it brought in to help the spirit of the Chinese people suffering under the tyranny of ideology? Or is it to contain the Chinese people? This is very important…

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