Chinese Dictatorship? Bush Is to Blame

America is experiencing these days its particular version of the “At Your Feet, My Beloved Dictator”* campaign mounted in Spain a few days ago to welcome the Chinese vice president. It is even worse this time, since Americans have spoken and written more about it, and have shown themselves up.

Nicholas D. Kristoff did so in the organ of American liberals, The New York Times, with the American version of “blame Aznar,” which in that country would be “blame Bush.” In his article titled “The Rise of the Chinese Cheneys,” he concludes that China’s problem is similar to that of the Bush period in the United States — that is, hawks like Dick Cheney who have gained ground in domestic politics.

In other words, the American democracy and the dictatorship in China are comparable and there, like in the United States, the problem is Cheney, former vice president with Bush.

Kristoff adds that the issue of human rights is “complex.” Better said, it depends. Racial segregation in the apartheid in South Africa? Well, that is complex. It depends; yes, but no.

Along the lines of Obama himself: “But China is a different system, a different culture… The United States understands human rights as a need that transcends cultures” and “a benefit for all countries.”** Discrimination against black people? Well, although I understand that South Africa is a different culture, a different system, equality is a necessity and a benefit.

They would have never said that about South Africa, of course. But when related to China, human rights become a complex issue, although very useful and advisable because it brings many benefits.

*Editor’s Note: “At Your Feet, My Beloved Dictator” is a previous article from the same journalist.

**Editor’s note: This quotation, while accurately translated, could not be verified.

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