Sarah Palin, the Heroineof a Science Fiction Comic

After the excellent Quai d’Orsay, where Dominique de Villepin is depicted as a dashing foreign affairs minister named Alexandre Taillard Worms, comes Steampunk Palin, an outrageous comic that features the former governor of Alaska and former candidate for the U.S. vice presidency, who is now, overseas, an object of unprecedented fascination.

The comic is crazy in its form, as this UFO signed by Dunn, Denham and Espinosa contains 15 pages of a story without beginning or end, followed by eight pages of drawings depicting Palin in futuristic pin-ups. The comic is also crazy in its script, as Steampunk Palin brings to the stage Sarah Palin — a fierce defender of the oil industry in “real life” — as an activist for “steam power”: energy using steam as an alternative to oil and nuclear power.

After being the victim of an attack, the heroine is resuscitated as a kind of half-cyborg — part of her body is robotic and now runs on … steam. We quickly assess the various twists that follow to discover that Sarah finally makes an alliance with Robama to fight Al Gore, who himself admits that his Nobel Prize has slightly gone to his head.

For those who find this summary appealing, the Comics Alliance site warns: “Steampunk Palin defies classification into any literary genre. [It’s] bad.”

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